
Go Cardinals

And yes, I am a fan of the St Louis team….but today I am in awe of God’s handiwork all around us. I have been noticing a male and female cardinal around our back patio the past few weeks. On Sunday, I was trimming a bush next to the porch and was a little surprised…


Are we there yet?

When we drive to St. Louis….or Tulsa…..or even the short one hour drive north, there are stretches of road that just seem long. And boring. And seem to literally take forever. Like you drive and drive and drive….and you still have too far to go. And sometimes life is like that. Seasons that just drag…


The Invitation

We were invited to St. Louis last night to hear these two beautiful young people, who happen to be our niece and nephew, sing with their choir tour. The venue was the historic Trinity Lutheran Church. From all angles…. And because I love the old churches, it was particularly inviting to me…. But as we…