
Catching up to speed


Greetings from a chilly morning here on the prairie!

I hear we had frost last night, so need to check if our summer flower pots survived. But first a quick story for your day.

In an effort to get better gas mileage, Russ traded in our old Camry a while back and got a hybrid. It has some features that are new to me and one is some kind of technology magic that allows the car to read posted MPH signs along the road. 

While driving, there is an indicator light right in front of my eyes that lets me know the speed limit. As I pass a sign with a change, the indicator changes immediately. It is amazing. 

Until I have to drive Russ’s truck and then I don’t have this luxury. 

I have to pay attention to the signs and adjust my foot pressure to match the speed limit posted. 

The other day I was driving the kiddos around in their family van and again, looked at the dash board to tell me what speed I should be driving, but there was no help. I had to search for speed limit signs and judge by the traffic around me to stay in the correct zone. 

And it reminded me of living under Grace versus the Law. 

The speed limit is the same, whether I have to be proactive in finding the signs and following the directions or if it’s plastered in front of my eyes on the dashboard. While it is easier to have it clearly displayed right next to the speedometer, I do not engage in the road itself in the same way when I have this convenience. 

So it would seem is living obediently to God’s laws without focusing on the law only. As I learn to follow Jesus and obey His commands, under Grace, I do so with an active involvement in the current of life and people around me. 

If my focus is simply on the written code, I can become narrow minded and miss the ministry of life that flows from just following Him day by day in the circumstances I am given. 

The rules don’t change, but the way they are activated and lived out in my life is not static. It is a daily cycle of checking in with Him and responding to His word in all the unique situations I am thrown into. 

It is a dynamic journey and one that sometimes finds me moving a bit faster or slower than I should be until I see another sign, check my speed and adjust myself to His way.

Blessings friends. 

It’s a process. 

We aren’t finished until He says so <3

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