Big A…little a..what begins with A?

Big A….little a…what begins with A?
If you knew it was Aunt Annie’s alligator A…a…A then you, like me, have read this Dr Seuss book so many times you have it memorized.
And when I say so many times, I mean that there was a span of close to two decades between the last time I tucked that book on to the shelf and the past few years when I pulled it off again to read to the third generation of our family.
But just like I did when I was reading it to the three R’s…I am still able to close my eyes and recite each page and turn to the next.
It’s a beautiful thing when you are so tired you are the one who needs the nap…and you can catch a few winks whilst reading to the little body relaxing in your arms still fighting to stay awake.
I also can sing almost word for word most of John Denver, Billy Joel and Glen Campbell’s albums as well as a good portion of Hotel California.
I am not saying I am proud of this…just saying I can do it.
Because I listened enough times at one time that the words are stuck tight in the deep recesses of my memory banks and yet…
I struggle to memorize Scripture.
And I acknowledge that is lack of motivation and discipline that is the root of my problem.
The lilting rhyme and rhythm of music added to so many things I have retained helped hold them fast in my gray matter and when I hear the beginning notes to many songs, I am able to pull it up to the front of my mind.
And so I wonder how I can take the beauty of God’s Words and truth and turn them into a rhythm in my own comprehension so that they are planted and rooted deep in my heart.
How do you memorize things?
How do you hide God’s Word in your heart?
I do know that the more I read through even familiar passages, the words and thoughts shape and transform my thinking and my actions.
I say I “follow” Christ…how can I follow if I do not read and study His word?
It is a choice and one I choose daily…step by step…word by word…He is after all the Alpha and the Omega…the beginning and the end …of the Alphabet and all things <3