Best Battle Strategy Ever <3
*repost from September 11, 2017…still true for me this morning as we remember those who bravely gave their lives to save others <3
While there are high schoolers who were not even born on that infamous day 16 years ago, I well remember the phone call from a friend asking me if I had the news on.
This was pre-smart phone days when we used wall phones to communicate and one by one, America found out that airplanes full of people had become a new form of weapon.
I remember sinking to my knees on the floor of our family room as the newscasters tried to explain how a plane had just flown into the side of a building, even as they realized another was headed to do the same to the sister tower.
In horror and with desperate prayers to God, many followed the events of that morning.
I do believe the increasingly less effective methods of destruction were in direct answer to the prayers of those around the world as this well-planned attack became exposed.
We have been told that across Maasai-land, our Kenyan brothers and sisters were in prayer for us as well.
Many around the world were interceding for us that day.
There is an enemy that seeks to destroy all that God has created.
And while we often want to put some tangible face to this foe, scripture tells us that our enemy is not flesh and blood.
Yes, the enemy works through people…through ideologies and governments and systems; through terrorists and agendas and despots; through exploitation and greed; through the exaltation of “self”…
I am reminded of the “I will’s” of pride outlined in Isaiah 14:13 – 14…
I will ascend into heaven
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds
I will be like the Most High
Playing God.
A dangerous game for anyone, with tragic repercussions for all.
The hallmarks of such thinking are destruction and devastation and death.
So for our nation today, I pray that we would learn well to remain humbly before the God who blessed this land with resources and with His Spirit.
I pray that we would enter into all warfare under His direction and counsel, availing ourselves of His guidance so freely given to those who seek His face.
I pray for those who still mourn the loss of lives in personal ways, for those first responders who showed true heroism and courage.
I pray for those who still suffer today from the physical and emotional sacrifice they gave to enter into a different kind of battle as they inhaled ash to find survivors.
I pray for those who are today fighting another unthinkable kind of warfare as rains and winds and fires sweep various areas of our nation.
I pray that we would be a nation that recognizes the power of prayer, not only for our own country but for the many many people who suffer around the world.
Devastations of man and nature abound around this globe and many do not have any kind of resources with which to bring aid to their people.
May God’s mercy and grace be poured out over us as we lift our hands to Him and invite Him to come and work in ways that only He can.
I hope you will come back tomorrow and each day this week as we look at what God says about winning battles His way.
Be blessed today in all that you do, as you bless others <3