
Belated Randoms…it’s been a week <3


Well….the best laid plans, right? I didn’t get to my computer yesterday until after the deadline for posting. All good things going on, but I am ending the week on a few randoms instead of our usual Wednesday or promised Thursday. Life is busy. 

Random #1


We flew on Southwest Airlines when we went to Austin last weekend. As you may know, they have a unique boarding process that does make the whole thing work fairly smoothly. Since we were early to our gate, we heard other flights being called. 

Invariably after the last call was given, there would be a few minutes and then they would be announcing a specific person by name over the loud speaker. 

For example, you would hear “John Doe, your plane for Houston is now completely boarded.Everyone is waiting for you. If you want to join them, please make your way to the gate. The doors will be closed in ten minutes.” This would be repeated a few more times with shorter increments to time to allow for this lost one to come to the plane.


A plane loaded with people who managed to get themselves into their seats on time is now waiting for one straggler to make his or her way to the check in desk. I am trying to imagine how that last passenger must feel putting that suitcase in the overhead bin and slinking down into the seat.

What happened to “final call” and that’s it. Doors closed and locked. Sorry you missed your flight. 

Random #2


I can’t help but think about the contrast of our experience in Cuba for a youth mission trip. 

Our pastor/leader for the  trip was completely taken out of the line of people entering the terminal without any of us seeing it happen. We stood gathered in the lobby in Havanna, waiting for him to emerge from the customs area for the longest time. 

There was no one to ask, no one was making announcements over an intercom. Finally he was able to get word to someone with the local mission there, who conveyed to the drivers that we were to leave without him as he was being detained.

He would join up with us later was all we knew. Thankfully he did, but there was zero help or communication about the whole thing except for a discreet text sent.

It does make you think that we might be a tad bit spoiled here.

Random #3

Which brings me to the lackadaisical manner in which the audience at the Nate Bargatze show entered the auditorium. I told you all earlier this week, it was held in the Moody Center on the University of Texas campus.The stadium is huge and it was pretty much sold out for the 3:00 show. 

The lobby was packed as we walked around and then made our way to our seats for the 3:00 show. As the clock ticked closer to the time for the show to begin, the stadium remained half empty. For over a half hour, we watched as people filed in with drinks and snacks, casually looking for their seats as if they were way ahead of schedule. 

Eventually, the emcee went ahead and started the show while people continued to come down the various stairs and even making their way to seats on the floor around the stage. The comedians even commented on how it was nice of them to show up and seemed a bit miffed over the late start. 

Apparently the delay in the show was due to the untimely arrival of a large portion of the audience. 

Anyone who knows me knows I can’t cast the first stone on punctuality problems. But even I know to be in my seat at least at the time on my ticket. I kind of feel like if we just closed the door and didn’t let people in a few times, we might cure this problem. 

Is this a thing now with audiences?

As I think about it, recent sporting events have been similar. The stands don’t really begin to fill up until well into the game. Is this a trend? Please, give me your feed back. I would love to hear what’s going on in the concert/event world. 

Random #4

On our last flight home, we sat next to a younger than me woman. I had the middle seat and Russ had the aisle. Since it was an early morning flight, she pulled the blind down on the window in order to sleep. 

That sunrise from a plane is pretty intense. 

However, when we were making our descent she continued to keep the shade pulled down. Since we were flying into St. Louis, I kind of wanted to see the city below. We have some people we love very much who live there and I like to mark the landscapes. 

But middle seat person didn’t get a say in that. 

It came to me that she who has the window seat, controls the window view. 

And when that phrase drifted into my mind, it meant a whole lot more to me than the girl sitting next to me who chose to look at her phone and not the earth from 30,000 feet. I am still mulling it over. Maybe the phrase catches you too? 

She who has the window seat, controls the window view…what does it make you think of? I would love to hear your thoughts. 

Random #5


As we were leaving the hotel on Saturday morning, Russ offered to pick me up since we had parked quite a distance from the door. It was drizzling and he was trying to spare my hair. 

While I was waiting, I witnessed the sweetest celebration. In the lobby area, over by the breakfast bar, a large number of employees had gathered around tables. Someone was lighting a sparkler stuck in a donut and handed it to a woman who stood by her side. 

The staff of servers and housekeepers were smiling and clapping. I could hear an announcement that they wanted to start their meeting with a celebration of Nora’s five year anniversary. The woman leading the meeting explained that they were all welcome to get some food and beverages and then they would start their meeting. 

Nora then translated everything that had been said into Spanish for those who didn’t speak English. More applause and smiles followed. The hotel we stayed in was very clean and everyone who worked there was so kind and friendly. They seemed happy in their work. 

I knew I had caught a glimpse of why.

It was a wonderful moment and yes, I too clapped for Nora. How could you not? It was one of the better parts of this country to see the way this company honors their people. There are so many good things amongst the wonky stuff. 

It makes you want to try harder to be better when you see the good…like opening the shade if you have the window seat, getting to your seat on time, acknowledging that not all Americans speak fluent English, and not giving in to entitlement.

Doing the right thing matters <3

BONUS…..Random #6

My friend, Shelly House Templin, has another book out and ready for your ready pleasure. She is the woman who hosts the blog ““Chuckles in the Chaos.” (here… https://www.shellydtemplin.com)

I have shared some of her material before here and on social media, because it is always so good. She also has written a children’s book I have shared and a book about her brother overcoming the challenges of being a quadriplegic. (links to those are at end of post)

Now Shelly has collected some of her top posts and gone and made a book of them! 

The cover is so pretty, and I know the insides will be a delight for you to keep or gift! It just went live yesterday and you can order it here…https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Shelly+D+Templin+Chuckels+in+the+Chaos&crid=1046KCB9UCJNM&sprefix=shelly+d+templin+chuckels+in+the+chaos%2Caps%2C120&ref=nb_sb_noss

And here are the other two links:

Lani’s Icky Habit (a crowd favorite with our grands) https://www.amazon.com/Lanis-Icky-Habit-Shelly-Templin/dp/1736083805/ref=sr_1_1?crid=272R1OWUE7LAF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.U5AFYmTd0l-i9bdePD8EIndBJHZDgPU4MnPm8U-J3zI-ITuh3BYURA1bcRdMb-5MJ5iaON2SjnzeWSeWtGMQ_-B1EUQaNryMxAV0nCXWxf2fyrQxEmwBgvd_JmyBX6D1.piFVm_CJgvh4feImqlbqErxQGOt13N5gpUfBPjHhOgM&dib_tag=se&keywords=Lani%27s+icky+habit&qid=1714146195&sprefix=lani%27s+icky+habit%2Caps%2C129&sr=8-1

Pushing to the Peak: A Story of the Success-ability of Dr. J Glen House (an inspiring story of overcoming challenges and the love and support of family) https://www.amazon.com/Pushing-Peak-Story-Success-Ability-House-ebook/dp/B0794VJZ97/ref=sr_1_3?crid=21LS6VQF7FH4R&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.A9hiwHOYc6RnPd94wLxfXGrBVIkvWw1cqw_jTNoffvXzHzL6TCTHubPZVbUbElLSFwJjz4eSzlxag-P_a7sqinfklHJlEQImpjh_9Nn_Kc4.QWpmwTiSElzSmwFZYyhdRo0gvevuNWimr9Wt_22qjeM&dib_tag=se&keywords=books+by+shelly+d+templin&qid=1714146245&sprefix=books+by+shelly+d+templin%2Caps%2C138&sr=8-3

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