
Because we said I do…<3

An open letter to my husband …

Dear Russ, 

Happy Anniversary! Thirty-seven years…how is it possible?

I feel younger than that in my heart and yet the mirror attests to the fact that we have weathered close to four decades now of life together. 

I look back at pictures of us and marvel at how young we were.

We didn’t know a whole lot about life, did we?

But we knew one thing…whatever was left of it, we wanted to spend together. 

And we have. 

And we still do.

For this and for you, I am so grateful.

We don’t have any earth-shaking testimony of how we got here. It was just one day at a time.

We can look back and see the faithful hand of God, even when we didn’t know how to be faithful to Him, and it brings me to my knees. 

I think about some people who have looked at the longevity of our marriage and said wistfully that is what they wanted. And it humbles me. 

If I knew how we had made it, if I could attribute it to a formula, I would market it. 

But it’s a mystery of God’s grace that He would give one like you to one like me. 

You are, indeed, the better half and I am so grateful for you.

Of all the decisions I have made, you are my best one <3

From the first phone call when you asked me to your dorm’s Christmas formal, to the phone call this morning from your hotel room … you have always been a gentleman and a gentle man…one of the good guys. 

I laugh and say I have worn you down…you patiently wait for me as the clock clicks closer to making us late and I fuss with pulling one more strand of hair into place. 

You don’t even comment anymore when there is a new smudge mark on the tires after a close encounter of the worst kind between me and some random curb.

I get dropped off at the door whether it’s pouring rain or a perfectly sunny day and you have always put me and our family first before any needs of your own. 

I am blessed. 

I am humbled.

 I am grateful beyond words. 

I weep because I know in truth, we most likely will not see thirty-seven more which means we are over halfway done with this journey. 

It makes every day that much more precious…as we continue the way we started this story…

one day at a time <3

We don’t know what the future holds, but we know who holds it. 

The same One who held us before we even knew to call on Him … to seek His counsel…to give Him credit. 

He has been faithful to us and we are blessed.

I love you, 

me <3

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  1. So beautiful! So precious, Laura!
    “A gentleman and gentle man”….that was once said by a friend to describe my daddy! It was so perfect , as that was my daddy, and funny, but what I’ve come to know of your Russ , he, too, is a man deserving of such a comment.!
    Happiest of Anniversaries to you and Russ. It has been our blessing to know you and call you friends. God bless you two !!❤️

    1. What a delightful surprise – thank you Brandon! You are carving a path to walk just the same way as my guy. You are one of the good ones <3

  2. Happiest of Anniversarys to you both!!

    P.S. Could Russ please give my husband some tips on how to stop the comments regarding minor scrapes in bank drive-throughs? Thanks!! You’ve got a real gem, Laura!

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