Because we need a little beauty in our lives <3
Are you getting that house clean and the turkey thawed?
Shocker of shockers, we had a 50 degree day yesterday so I got crazy and put our lights up outside and then assembled a tree in the upstairs and decided the time has come for an artificial tree downstairs so we have a forest that has sprung up inside.
Russ is a afraid to leave me alone again today …ha!
I want to pause on today’s gift idea to say I know I have a few fellows who read this so I hope I don’t lose you this week…but these are nice gift ideas for your wives/daughters/sisters so please don’t feel left out.
Today I am sharing another gift I have received that I have ended up giving to others over the years and I love it.
It started with a Christmas gift subscription from this gem one year…my birthday twin and dear friend Peggy…
Let me say that she is the gift giver extraordinaire and I am forever getting a text to look on my front porch where a little bag of some fancy olive oil or a book or some other delight caught her eye and she thought of me.
And I am not exclusive. She does this for so many.
One year she gave as a gift to several friends a subscription to this magazine…
The magazine comes four times a year so hits the seasons. It is filled with a variety of articles that touch on all the things near and dear to my heart.
Recipes, great pictures, articles on a variety of topics and some of the sweetest studies you can do on an afternoon “retreat” at your table with a cup of coffee or tea.
It is just the right amount of content to inspire me to be creative without encouraging envy or consumerism. It is grounded in scripture without being preachy – just a positive and encouraging magazine that I look forward to getting as the seasons change.
A positive voice that inspires me to be more like Jesus in all the ways, it has become a favorite.
To give you an idea, the Holiday 2019 issue featured articles including:
“In Search of God” – which featured the way The Bible Project came about and how to start reading the Bible
“Gatherings” – a collection of holiday meal recipes beautifully photographed, information to help in preparation and event planning tips
“Lost without a Compass” – a thought provoking article about the “unsaved Christian” – how cultural Christianity is invading the church.
“Not-so-Humble Pies” – yummy pie recipes…which I probably won’t make but had a blast reading about!
There is so much more including crafts, trends for various products and a community Bible reading plan. With the quarterly delivery, I can just enjoy and savor when I have time.
So here is some information to help you locate it:
A year’s subscription is $22.95 which makes a perfect “friend” gift or a little something extra for someone on your list when you are out of ideas.
You can subscribe at their website: under “subscriptions”
Also take time and check out the site. If you are a digital fan, I do think they have the magazine online but I am forever the paper person so haven’t checked that out.
On social media you can find them at Facebook on Life: Beautiful Magazine
Instagram and Pinterest are @thisislifebeautiful
And as I am ending, if you read yesterday’s post before the late afternoon, I want to apologize for all the typos..sloppy of me and I went back and corrected…yikes!
Ok – see you tomorrow!