You just never know what lurks in a basement….
Happy Monday!
It was a full weekend that kicked off early with a road trip to St. Louis (see Friday’s post) and Hearts at Home with Rachel all day Saturday; followed by a very full Sunday of church, time with friends and enjoying the beautiful day.
As if all that wasn’t enough fun, Russ and I did a purge mission together on a corner cabinet in the basement last night.
Where we found….
You might think this belonged to one of our kid’s, no…
No…if you have ever tried to decipher a hand written note from me, I am sure you recognize my scrawled penmanship.
Because I love our kids, the trolls are on their way to a donation center tomorrow and the box is in recycling.
But can I tell you?
It hurt a little.
I don’t know why I struggle with getting rid of stuff; but obviously if THIS was hard to part with, we can all see I have a problem.
Which is why the wheels of purging move slowly here and are best done with an accountability partner <3
I tend to attach the memory to the item and somehow feel the only way to hold on to the past is to literally HOLD the past.
But when I loose my grip on things, I actually find that I think more clearly – making room for thoughts and memories and ideas to flow in new and creative ways.
The less clutter around me, the less clutter in me.
And that is another point to the season of Lent.
As we prepare for the remembrance and celebration of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we are setting aside time as His people to see what’s been tucked in our hearts for so long we have forgotten about it.
By taking extra time to read His word and pray and examine our hearts, we might uncover some things that we boxed up and marked “private” that need to be exposed to the light of His Word.
We want to clean out the emotional and spiritual clutter of our hearts to make room for the fullness of His Love; so that we can be equipped to serve Him and love Him in the fullness of this life we have been given.
God bless you as you do some spring house and heart cleaning!