Generous living

At our small group Sunday night, our leader was covering a chapter in David Jeremiah’s study Signs of Life. One of the things he talked about was giving. We, as Christians, are to be GENEROUS in our giving. I have been mulling that over and I thought of one practical way we can be generous….

Take up your cross

Then He said to them all…. To all who were following Him as disciples…. “If anyone….                      anyone….anyone….you, me, any one person…. desires to….                       wants to so much they can’t think of anything else but….. come after…

Holy Week

There is something about the practice of Holy Week that is ingrained in me from childhood. On Sunday, in class, we talked about things we remember from our childhood celebrations of Easter and one of mine was Palm Sunday. I remember getting so excited to be given a palm branch at church. I am not…