August Book Review

Well, hello September. 

And goodbye to the fastest summer in the history of forever. 

I managed to finish two books in the month that sped by at the speed of light. They were quite different and both good. 

Here are my thoughts.

Band of Brothers is a name I borrowed for our three once Joel came into the mix. I could only hope these brothers would have each other’s back the way the men in this book did. 

Band of Brothers, the book, was written by Stephen E. Ambrose.

He used correspondence, records and interviews to tell the story of the E Company, 506th regiment and 101st airborne as they started out with rigorous training, jumped, marched and fought from Normandy right up to the final and complete takeover of Hitler and his upper level officers digs in the Eagle’s Nest. 

The book is so well written and truly carried me through the personalities and names and battles. I felt I kind of knew many of these guys by the end of the book. In parts I could not read before going to sleep because it was too real and too hard. 

These were kids. They were pushed beyond the limits with very little relief. They were more bound by taking care of each other than any high goals until they saw their first worker concentration camp as they made they way through Germany. 

When they saw the starved bodies and hollow eyes of these prisoners of war – men and women taken from their home countries to provide war labor for the German army, one phrase summed it up. “This is why we are here.”

These soldiers either died serving or were forever scarred, physically and emotionally, because of their service.There were none who were not wounded in one way or another. 

I cannot forget the thought of them and the families of these soldiers who went to Normandy and continued on. The things this generation endured and saw are humbling. 

I think everyone would benefit from reading this account of these men and I highly recommend the book.

The second book I read was a gift from our Fall women’s conference at the church I attend. It also happens to be the featured book for a sermon series starting soon at the church where Rachel and Zach attend. 

Practicing the Way; Be with Jesus Become Like Him Do as He Did by John Mark Comer is a fairly quick read, but one I marked up heavily and will be studying a bit more. 

If the author’s name seems familiar, he also wrote a book that is being talked about much: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry. 

Comer is a student of the spiritual disciplines and so I was 100% in from the opening pages. I loved reading and teaching from Richard Foster’s “The Celebration of Discipline”. 

Like Foster, Comer talks about the way the disciplines are a practice that put us in a favorable position for God to transform us. 

Practices like fasting, silence and solitude, Sabbath, and service are all ways we begin to pattern our life and minds along the way of Jesus’ teachings. Like Foster, Comer shows us that this is not a way to “earn” grace, it is not a way to be a superior Christian. 

Practicing the disciplines are a way of following the Way.

I love how he points out that we are all following something. But is it leading us to the peace, joy and love that is promised to us in fullness when we fully surrender to Christ?

Another great read. I highly recommend.

We borrowed The Band of Brothers from our local library. I would recommend same for you =0)

The Comer book is one I would suggest purchasing if you like to underline and go back to study. You can purchase here. I do not receive any compensation for this.  

This is from his website. I notice there are courses and such you can also take – not recommending those as I have not participated to that extent. But if you want to buy the book from him here is the link

It is also available on amazon, but I try to support the actual author when I can.

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