
Another round of randoms and prayers for no site crash…sigh…


Well here we are at Wednesday again and there is something about this day of the week that seems to lean towards the randoms…maybe I should just make that a Wednesday regular feature, although if I did, be assured something would come along to completely interrupt the idea. 

So at least for today, we are randomizing.

Top thoughts in no particular order include:

Random #1


Today is the anniversary of my dad’s birth. He was born 103 years ago we figure and that completely blows me away. 

I often think of him and what he would have to add to the various discussions of the current culture. He lived through a lot of rough times in this country and the world and I guess I am mostly grateful he is at peace and rest with Jesus. 

Random #2


Russ listens to the news every night while I wash my face, fight wrinkles and gum disease and fill up the diffuser with oils to help us sleep. 

Often I walk out to check if I am hearing something correctly as I floss my teeth or rub some cream around my eyes. 

Last night I emerged to see if I was hearing correctly that a local community health department is considering offering newly vaccinated people a free beer at one of the taverns as an incentive to get the shot.

I stood there blinking and flossing and wondering what alternative reality we have entered to where the health department thought this was a good idea. 

Thankfully a senator spoke into this with the idea that maybe we could instead figure out ways to make getting a vaccine accessible for those who want it, but cannot get to a facility…maybe due to a job, living in an isolated location or not having access to transportation or computer to register. 

I hope they listen to him. 

Random #3


Only a few slim chapters remain in the book I am reading on Elisabeth Elliott. 

There are so many good points and parts to this book that I am quite certain you will be getting a summary in the next few days, but the thing that just blew me away is this simple fact. 

Her husband, Jim Elliott was killed in cold blood by a people group that he had tried to reach with the Good News. After he was killed, Elisabeth knew that God had called her to finish the work they had started and she spent the next year praying for a way to gain access to this tribe. 

Not for revenge. 

Not for justice. 

Not for the chance to see her husband’s murderers face to face and introduce them to the little girl he left behind. 

She prayed for an open door to share the Gospel so they could know Jesus and be forgiven. 

God answered her prayers and she eventually witnessed the ones who took her husband’s life receive eternal life. They became her brothers in Christ. 

I weep at the truth of what the Cross means for us. I pray we each would fulfill our calling by praying and asking God who we are called to share the Good News of His Son with each day. 

It is sobering and convicting how little of my time is spent on that kind of prayer. 

We are not all called to missions far away but we are called to preach the gospel wherever we are and to desire to possess the same heart for the Lost that God has for each of them. 

Random #4


They are upgrading some fancy named tech thing on my website today and warned me it could cause problems if something I have isn’t compatible with something they have. 

So if the Journey Onward site disappears from the internet for a little while or for forever…sigh…just know there is a lady sitting by her keyboard hoping and praying all goes well.

Random #5


I feel I have shared mostly heavy randoms today, so let me leave you with a word of encouragement from my devotions this morning. 

In one of my readings it talked about how Jesus not only healed children, but loved and tended for the parents. 

Examples included:

“Don’t be afraid,” to the ruler of the synagogue who’s daughter was dying

“Woman, you have great faith” to the Caananite woman who needed healing for her child

“Everything is possible for him who believes” to the dad of the boy who was demon-possessed

The author, Jodie Berndt, points out that Jesus was not only about healing the child, but also about offering words of hope and encouragement to the weary parents. 

What a word for us today as we are most likely lifting  many needs in prayer. 

As you pray for your family and friends and carry burdens for so many, stop and sense His loving care for YOU. 

Remember always He is a good and kind Shepherd and He loves you very much. 

Have a good day and come back tomorrow…

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