And when I say random…I mean random….<3
We are experiencing a run of beautiful weather here in God’s country and I have a day at home to accomplish a list of tasks that are penned on the calendar and high hopes to actually finish most of them so it is a good morning for some randoms…in no particular order, of course….
I am starting to put out the Fall decorations and an assortment of mums are beginning to gather on the front porch.
They are staring down the summer flowers and the fern and it’s a little uncomfortable out there as we wait for the annuals I planted in the spring to depart from amongst us so we can make a nice backdrop for the pumpkins.
Transition is hard and moving from one season to the next always means some things have to go.
Timing is crucial and being in God’s timing is always best. He never seems in a hurry or rushed so I rather like His rhythm…how about you?
In my devotions this morning, I had several passages about work and how all the “work” we do is as unto the Lord.
The concept is that we serve God by doing for others because He really doesn’t need us to do anything for Him.
This is something I tend to forget.
I start my days with a list in my head or on paper or both and sometimes on several pieces of paper and I get so caught up in the list that I forget the reason for the things I do.
The list becomes my task master and if anything comes along to interrupt my progress in completing the list, I get frustrated and snarky and peevish and all this yuk starts pouring out of me.
It is a struggle to remember that I started out giving all my efforts and plans to the Lord and my hope was to serve Him in whatever way He deemed fit.
I try to remember that Jesus wasn’t running around with His nose in a planner.
I rather doubt He was overly concerned about completing a checklist but instead kept His focus on being tuned in to what God’s plan was for each day.
Yes, sometimes that means staying on task and sometimes it means setting aside the plan and being where I need to be for someone else.
The only way I know how to live that way is to be in constant, open communication with God and in that choice I have found a more restful and peaceful and productive way of living.
And when I forget everything I just said in the last paragraph and resort to snarky…I am so thankful for His grace.
Am I the only one who associates seasonal changes with food?
As surely as summer makes me think of grilled food and salads…fall has me craving pumpkin bread, baked apple anything and savory dishes.
I’m digging out the cookbooks again and starting to figure out when our schedule will allow for some baking.
My least favorite housecleaning chore is dusting.
My most favorite is cleaning the bathrooms.
Because cleaning a bathroom lasts at least for a half a day or so…dusting mocks me.
I no sooner lift the dust cloth away from the table top and in the faint rays of sunlight I can see it all just dancing around and making its way back to the surface of whatever table or shelf I just cleaned.
And that’s my five randoms…I’m outta here and on to the next thing!
Have a beautiful Thursday and I will check in with you tomorrow <3