And in other news….
Well, it’s been a week.
I have had a full one and then if you haven’t been under a rock, you know we have a new level of crazy going on here in the U.S. of A.
You also know that I don’t tackle stuff that is above my pay grade here on the Journey, so please know. We are as shocked and struggling as the rest of you as we watched the news unfold today from our nation’s capitol. I will leave commentary to the others who can bring you a more intelligent assessment and I will pray for those who are commenting that probably shouldn’t be.
If you came here for a debate, you will leave disappointed.
I offer you instead a brief respite from the insanity and some of my favorite pictures from the past 24 hours.
This kind of stuff is happening all over Central Illinois right now. It’s absolutely breathtaking. It’s also heartbreaking. The extreme beauty comes at a cost.
The limbs were coated with ice following a heavy rain. Snow fell and added the frosting, but also more weight than these trees were meant to bear. It’s both beautiful and destructive.
There is a lesson hidden amongst this and I am listening. The views are beyond description as we drive through miles of this winter wonderland, but we also see the damage as debris gathers under trees and shrubs and branches bend at frightening angles.
God is speaking. I pray we would listen.
Meanwhile these little eskimos are busy building snow forts and burning off massive amounts of pent-up-in-the-house energy pushing large amounts of heavy packed ice/snow to the site location.
I can’t get enough of them.
Then there is this guy…
He made his own Olaf and then asked for a carrot and some grapes. The snow is literally a block of ice, so we used toothpicks to secure the features.
My friends, these are the most upsetting and perplexing times of the years I have lived on this earth. But God is good and He is faithful. He is found by all who seek Him. Seek Him. He loves you so dearly. You are His precious child. Kings, kingdoms and all things of this earth are temporary but His love for you is eternal.
Be strong. Love greatly. Extend grace and mercy.
You are precious <3
I just love you, Laura, and the wisdom you share that God has shown you. To God be the glory! Even though the enemy thinks he won in all that is unfolding, even though it’s disheartening, painful to watch and confusing ..”Take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
What a wonderful time for the people of the Cross to rise up and be a wise and kind presence in this world.