Aaaannnndddd here we go……
The sun is shining brightly on this Monday as we launch officially into that roller coaster we call “The Holidays”.
I felt the seatbelt click into place last night as I prepared the first of our special meals with a little festive touch; trying a new recipe and banking a few old standby’s.
Later I gathered the recipe box my mom made for me and the blue binder where I have been collecting new favorites for the last quarter of my culinary career and started making menus and lists for Thanksgiving (just the two of us) and the day after (Sarah and Rachel plus the Fab Four).
While I jotted down grocery items for today, I was calculating what would need to wait until closer to Friday so it doesn’t spoil. I was also contemplating when and where to put up the trees, how deep I want to go into those green tubs of decorations this year, and anticipating addressing Christmas cards…filling stockings…wrapping gifts that always take longer than anticipated….
Picture one of those glass walls where a scientist is using fancy technology to calculate formulas and that would be my mind.
That would be “The Holidays”.
And as I move about the routines that keep this house humming every week like changing sheets and cleaning bathrooms and sorting mail, I am praying about what our Christmas Countdown might look like this year.
Last year we did some stories around the ornaments on our tree and while that was fun, I probably shot the wad on memories so just know…as I baste a turkey and mix up pumpkin pie and ride herd on some Christmas craft projects this coming Friday, I am praying about what the season will look like here on the Journey…
Hope your plans are going well for whatever Thanksgiving week looks like in your neck of the woods.
You are amazing.
Be calm and Carry on <3