A whirlwind trip and an equally whirlwind recap <3
Goodness, the week got away from me!
With travel over the weekend and a Tuesday holiday, I am scrambling to get back in any semblance of a routine.
A week ago tomorrow, we hopped in a car with our Graham in tow and headed to Dallas. We had arranged to meet John there and celebrate his birthday a little early by going to a Rangers game.
Since a sweet writing friend had just moved to Dallas area, I asked her about the church they attend in hopes of going to services with them before the game.
Being a woman of gracious hospitality, she and her husband invited us all to stay with them in their lovely home that they had JUST MOVED INTO the week before.
After questioning her multiple times and she insisted they wanted us, so we accepted and had such a great time with them for the short time we had in town.
We enjoyed worshiping with Shelly and Jack and their three daughters, a boyfriend, a spouse and two grand girls. After bidding them farewell, we headed to the Rangers stadium, dropping John’s car off at a mall on the way there.
Russ got in a line for what we thought was parking and it ended up being a choice he regretted. As time ticked and we moved at a snail’s pace or slower, we suggested John and Graham hop out and head to the stadium.
It turned out to be a great decision and I will share in my points below. After the game we took John back to his car, enjoyed one last meal together at Torchy’s Taco’s and went our separate ways.
Our path led us to Texarkana where we spent the night and up early to try and sneak a visit in with Sarah and Jack
before we met up with mommy and the siblings for pizza and a return of their brother to the clan.
It was a heart filling weekend and I gleaned some things to share from such a short trip.
#1 – As I mentioned, our friends had only just moved in their home. They had beds up and all the towels and assorted things one might need in the bath area. The kitchen was put away and furniture was in place, but of course there were still boxes and places where things were still in process.
Shelly laughingly pointed to stacks of paintings leaning against one wall of the dining room and said we would have to come back when those were hung.
Her meals were nourishing, but she purchased ready made from the deli. She used paper plates and let me tell you, the lack of fuss was heavenly for us.
I tend to overthink entertaining. Cooking is one of my love languages, I believe. But I learned that in opening the home, sometimes simple is just better for everyone.
I know Shelly is a great cook but she knew her limits given a Fourth of July weekend full of family events after we left. She opened her heart and her home just as they were and made us feel like family.
We can come up with all kinds of excuses to not have people in our homes, but what a blessing it is to us that Shelly and Jack’s gift of hospitality welcomed us as if we were their own and without fuss or added strain on them during this time of moving in.
#2 – Russ was kind of upset with himself that he chose to turn into what he thought was a short line to a parking lot.
I feel it was ordained by God.
Watching Graham tumble out of the car and head off with his uncle in hopes of snagging some autographs, getting pictures of them down by the dugouts grinning in their “ugly tank top” giveaway that they got by entering before supplies ran out, seeing them coming with their souvenir cups of soda after eating a hot dog lunch purchased by Uncle John…all of that was a treasure.
As parents of adult children and grandparents, I find that much of our life right now is really just facilitating the experiences of this next two generations.
Sure we are blessed to be included so much in their every days and special days, but much of our role is just helping make things happen that are memory-makers and path markers for these coming along behind us.
I can’t explain it exactly, but sitting in the car with Russ while those two shared exploring the stadium together was more golden than being there myself.
#3 – Speaking of stadiums, the Ranger stadium has a dome. It is air conditioned. I am forever ruined for anything but this.
I can’t tell you how much I DIDN’T miss sweating in a stadium seat to watch a game.
#4 – Traveling with Graham for a twelve hour drive on Saturday, a three hour drive on Sunday and a nine hour drive on Monday was a treat.
He would tell us he was bored and I would tell him that I am never bored because I am always thinking or imagining or looking out the window or reading.
So he read, he watched a few fishing and Dude Perfect videos on our phone, he talked to us, he played word games with us, he looked out the window, he thought about whatever 12 year old boys think about in a car and it was wonderful.
#5 – We got to see all of our children and their people except for Zach who was working and it was like Christmas in July.
Hope your summer is going well.
Be blessed,