A little post-holiday weekend recap

The weekend couldn’t have been more perfect weather wise, and we got to be with so much of our family as Graham had tournaments in Tia’s neck of the woods.
So basically this is just going to be a family diary of photos and I really didn’t take that many so here we go…
After mom got a hug, she snapped photos of G and Tia…who he seems to be catching up with in height. Though rumor has it he may have been standing on a soccer ball.

Then more photo opps….

and one big picture …

We also squeezed in a little birthday celebration for Emmett…

Also, these two…are a perfect odd couple.
Not sure what they were chatting about, but both were all smiles the whole time.

before we went to more soccer games…
where Tia was the hit of the day for Caroline.

After the last game, Tia treated us to ice cream and waffle cones.
Tough decisions were made but we all loved our choices.

It was a best. weekend. ever. for sure <3