
A gentle reminder of simple blessings <3


Russ and I are taking a little spring trip. 

This involved a late evening flight that lasted three hours. 

Typical of most airlines, after a certain hour, the cabin lights are on dim and if you want to read or see anything in your lap, you have to turn on a small beam overhead. 

You might think I am going to talk about light and dark probably, but I was just setting the mood. 

There were two infants and quite a few small children traveling with us. One little cherub way in the back never did settle down. Poor little thing as he or she struggled with the cabin pressure and ears and just a late night in a strange place. 

The other little tyke was across the aisle from us. She was in pink from head to ankle. Her tiny bare feet wriggled free. 

While she did cry a bit at take off, her parents worked with bottles and hugs and got her settled. Her dark, short hair was finally damp from deep sleep as her head rested comfortably on her dad’s chest and tummy. 

He fell asleep too, and I would see his hand slide away and then she would move a bit and his arm would go back up to hold her secure. 

They were so peaceful and I loved seeing her sweet mouth form that “oh” that babies are prone to do when snoozing. Her little feet would dig into his thigh as she readjusted and then a sigh would escape as she collapsed further into him. 

And if that’s not one of the grandest things in the world, I don’t know what is. 

It is a feeling a mother and grandmother loves deeply and never forgets. 

There is a joy in having once held sleeping children in similar ways that is stirred and gives back a thousand fold the original feeling of warmth and love and grace. 

If ever I think I have missed out on anything in life, seeing this reminded me of the riches and wealth I have been given, and I am grateful far beyond these few words can express.

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