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A breath of fresh air needed? Me too <3


Oh my goodness…you never know what you are going to find here on the Journey, but today I am just sharing that I am weary from the roller coaster we continue to be riding. 

In the past year I have felt nagged about washing my hands, social distancing, isolating myself, masking and now getting a vaccine. 

All of these things are things I would most likely do out of common sense and a concern for others, however…

The ads and marketing of all of these push it on me with guilt and condemnation that for someone like me, who is forever and always trying to do the right thing and avoid being fussed at, can be rather stress producing. 

We watch very little television except for news and sports, but I am hearing frequent pleas to be responsible and go get my vaccine so the world can return to normal. 

All well and good except not all of us have the blessings of the powers that be to get a vaccine and if we do, the queue for getting them involves a process that rivals the confusion for applying for a small business license or getting to an actual person when you need customer service help. 

So now I move on to the bearing of the burden that the whole entire cosmos just needs me to get my vaccine and then all will straighten out again. 

Or at least that is what I am feeling like these days. 

I am reading more and more about the freedoms those who are vaccinated will enjoy while others of us will continue to live with our masks of shame as we wait for clearance to be liberated.

Okay…I exaggerate.

But I do feel an unseen pressure to conform that seems to have become the norm for a lot of 2020-2021.

And in my experience, unseen pressures always tend to get my attention because I want to know if I am allowing something to boss me that shouldn’t. 

Not saying the vaccine is wrong, not saying any of the measures that have been taken or will be taken are wrong, just saying…when I am feeling guilt and condemnation poured onto me, it is not God who is holding the pitcher which means for this child here, it’s time to hunker down into some thoughtful intake of truth and some outpouring of prayer. 

The world is making me weary so it’s time to be refreshed in the foundations of my faith and remind myself where my focus needs to be always. 


I read this yesterday and I copied it into my journal and have shared with friends:

Preach this to yourself today:

It’s time to wake up, weary heart. It’s time to stop feeling lost in your feelings, but to be anchored to the truth of God’s Word. In Christ – in the Light – you have all you need to reject the numbing, distracting, or disengaging you want to run to in the most bitter seasons.

You can be alive and awake to the very work He’s called you to today because:

“When anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says,

‘Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.’

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:13-15)

Stay awake friends.

This is not merely a pep talk or feel good platitude; it’s a battle to walk in the Light of Christ as you tell your soul what to do. Grace – redeeming grace – wakes us up to all that self-help cannot. 

Ruth Chou Simons, GraceLaced 

I hope this encourages a weary soul or more. 

Hang in there. 

Pray and do what is right in God’s sight.

You are precious and loved <3

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  1. Great words Laura, I too will copy them into my journal for future perusal. God bless you and hang in there this season will come to an end. Lynette with love.

    1. Thank you for your words of encouragement and thankful I could share some for you to add to your journal. Our journals are a treasure trove, aren’t they!!!

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