Five Wednesday Randoms … more or less….<3
Some quick randoms for a Wednesday…
- Summer is really still in full swing and we should have a good six weeks of summer fun left before we think about pumpkins and all things Fall…but no…the odious Back to School displays are already in our faces and forcing us to feel like we have to hurry up and cram in all the popsicles and trips to the pool.
Don’t let the hype steal your joy! We have plenty of summer left…just take a deep breath and enjoy every lovely, hot, humid second of it!
- Why do waiting rooms insist on having a television going? Is it possible we have reached a place where we can’t sit and entertain ourselves quietly for five to fifteen minutes?? It’s not like everyone isn’t on their phone as well … and making comments amongst the group about what is being said on the show blaring over our heads.
- Can you tell I have to go to two waiting rooms this morning and I am already having to apply Lavender and Serenity oils in liberal doses just thinking about it?
- In my Sheila Walsh study, The Storm Inside, she had this great quote…”Your level of disappointment will equal the amount of hope you have invested in something .” So obvious, but impacting to have someone say it. Proverbs 13:12 puts it like this: Hope deferred makes the heart sick. I look at my biggest disappointments and realize not only did I lose something tangible, I lost all the expectations around the thing, person, event, dream. So to apply truth to that, I am praying to learn to separate myself emotionally from the expectations I had placed on the thing I lost and just grieve the actual loss.
- I am preparing myself to do another VBS week here on the blog…I certainly enjoyed it last year and from responses, I think there were a few of you kids-at-heart that had fun at camp …so stay tuned.
- BONUS….I left the numbers just the way they are because seriously!!! You would think I could figure out how to number and space things on this site!
- Maybe I can ask the folks in the waiting room when Hoda and Kathi Lee go to commercial break…
- Be blessed and have a great Wednesday!!!
Hey Laura,
In reference to #3 above, let me share please. I returned Tuesday from a glorious vacation in Florida visiting a dear, dear relative. For six days I watched ZERO television, read ZERO newspapers or anything in print, answered ZERO phone calls (actually I received none), and spent LESS than 3 minutes looking at FB.
I found all of that very refreshing. I found that I didn’t miss any of it. I found that I wish I could live in that place. I was reminded that the people we love deserve our attention and the world around us can be put on hold when we choose to focus on relationships. But all of that aside, with every beautiful and wonderful and fun shared activity with my loved one, let me tell you what the most amazing and memorable part of my trip was. God answered my prayer to soften the heart of a special family member and give me a divine appointment to share my faith in a way that they would receive. I wanted rejoice all the way home! My heart was already full up until that conversation, but it almost burst open with thanksgiving when the Holy Spirit used me to share what God can do in a life that welcomes God in. Thanks for listening – God is so good! But you already knew that!!!
Beautiful words!! I am applying those to our upcoming vacation to the beach!!! Thank you for your inspiration!!!