Before they haul me off to the hooskow….<3
Good morning!
I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and are entering into summer with a tummy full of grad cake, grilled food and a heart full of new treasures for your memory bank <3
Have you been getting a ton of emails regarding these intials….GDPR?
It has to do with the backlash of people getting fed up with their personal data flying around the world wide web, helter-skelter because of the “privacy agreements” that read like Ursula’s contract with Ariel right before she sold her soul and traded her fin for a pair of legs.
To break it down for you, the gist I am getting is that it has to do with anyone doing business with European Union and since this particular website could actually fall under that….God only knows how…I am trying to be compliant and let you know what I know.
Which is precious little, trust me.
So I am working to develop some sort of privacy policy, but in case the EU feds drop in today and bust me, I want to have at least made an attempt to comply so…
Here is what I can control of your personal data on my website.
When you submit a comment or subscribe by email, your name and email address are safe with me. I always erase your last name off of the comment if I post it and if you ask me not to share it, I don’t.
That being said, if you own a business or host your own website I do leave your full name so that people can find you!
I am not using anyone’s name or email for anything in the marketplace.
I make no money on this site. I do not use affiliates to pay for anything.
Russ Reimer pays my annual renewal fee to own this tiny place in cyberspace.
However; because I use something called plugins to share this directly to Facebook and some other plugins that help keep spam off my site, there is the potential that your email is collected by one of those plugins.
I know the ones I have received notice on are not plugins I use.
The email subscription service I am using now is through WordPress as is my Facebook service.
I don’t use any data collection sites to see how many people are reading this so that eliminates some of this problem.
Just like anything else on Facebook, if you like or comment … your email is probably being tracked by some gizmo somewhere.
Welcome to my world.
Like everything else in 2018 life as I know it…this is just one more reason I bow my head and ask God….Really???
Wouldn’t it be easier to just shut this thing down and call it a good run?
Because the technology side of this pulls me into a fetal position more often than you would care to know.
But then I get a message from one of you…someone I didn’t even know read this stuff…and I think of how God left the 99 for that one…and it’s totally worth it.
So we will keep “plug-in’ away”…
My prayer is to continue to bring you hope and encouragement, a laugh every now and then…and a reminder that you are not alone on this journey.
We are blessed to be in fellowship, however you decide to find your way here…I hope you will always find it a safe place <3
Yours is the easiest privacy policy I have ever read!!
And that’s what you get when the privacy policy maker has absolutely no idea what the heck she is doing….<3
Hi Laura, I own my hone business with Plexus, a health supplement, life changing financial freedom, time freedom Awesome opportunity work from your home, hold no parties job! It is awesome! And if you would like to learn more about it, I’d be happy to answer any questions, or if you could help promote my website that would be great, and appreciated! it’s only 34.95 to join and the people are truly wonderful!
Thanks Mary – not sure how many check back on the comments but happy to share your good news about a product and a business you believe in!