Like a child <3
Good morning to you!
I hope this finds you well and enjoying the transition from spring to summer and all the hustle and bustle of getting the yard in shape, attending graduations and end of year events and a slate of ball games that will run through mid-July.
Last Saturday we headed up north to watch Graham play baseball. After a quick wardrobe change for him in their van, we were off to his last soccer game on the fields across from the ball diamonds.
Two sets of grandparents, one set of parents, three siblings and an army of umbrellas, blankets and bag chairs completed the entourage.
The first game was played with a light drizzle and a solid wind that gave us a workout resembling the flying nanny scene in Mary Poppins.
Thankfully the clouds rolled away by the time we got to the soccer fields and as we watched Graham and his team play their game, Emmett and Joel ran the empty fields around us with a variety of bored siblings.
At one point, Papi was monitoring the two younger boys when we heard Emmett crying.
Since he was so very upset he was unintelligible, we looked to Russ to find out what had happened. He tactfully passed on that there was a girl about Graham’s age playing with them but she was giving all of her attention to Joel.
Emmett headed to the pool of adults and when his other grandma bent down, he climbed in her arms and poured out the whole sad tale.
We were all sorry to see him crying, but also had to stifle smiles as this little blonde ray of sunshine has soaked up more than his fair share of attention since he burst onto the scene almost 5 years ago.
He is so comfortable in the limelight that you would think his approval tank would be full.
But it isn’t.
He had been rejected from the attentions of an older girl and as Joel laughingly basked in her 100% favor, it had been too much for him.
He is too young to be tough and savvy when rejected.
He is too naive to worry about what we might think of him for his tears.
He trusted the love of the circle of adults and knew any one of us would pick him up and hold him and let him cry.
God is like that, you know.
When we are hurt or rejected or feel slighted and overlooked, we can go to Him.
We don’t have to do anything but reach up and tell Him what He already knows.
He won’t chastise us for openly sharing the overwhelming emotions that would cause us to sin if we acted on them.
He will hold us and He will do like Emmett’s grandma did…He will just love us and acknowledge our hurt and gently wipe the tears until we get it together again and head back out to the field one more time.
If your heart is broken, you will find GOD right there; if you are kicked in the gut, he will help you catch your breath. Disciples so often get into trouble; still, GOD is there every time. Psalm 34: 18-19 The Message <3
Thank you always.
Bless you <3
Lovely story to bring us to your point about God’s unending, overwhelming love and grace for us! Thank you, may God bless you extra special today!
Thank you Teresa <3