Happy May Day!
When I was a kid, my mom would help me fashion construction paper cones or a paper basket when we got fancy.
She would help me tape a handle on it and fill it with whatever flowers were in the yard.
Spring bulbs that still had blossoms.
Or dandelions and violets.
And then the fun began.
Running to a friend’s house and putting it on the door handle.
Ring the bell…and try to get out of sight before they answered.
Our three little Reimers enjoyed this tradition when time allowed…although it meant a car ride sometimes to get them delivered after school…
cause their mom…not so good at getting out the door in the morning sometimes.
It never lost it’s charm.
This dropping flowers off at the houses of those we love.
So today…
here is my May Basket delivered to you.
A sweet reminder that you are loved and thought about and treasured.
You there….
on the other side of this screen.
Whoever you are….
if you came today…
Happy May Day my friend!
May your day be filled with delights and surprises and bursts of joy…
and flowers….
lots and lots of flowers <3