Five randoms and then it’s off to the races because it’s fRiDaY…YAY!!!!
1….if you all prayed for God to send me help with the website…well Praise Him! He did! So thank you, thank you and don’t stop.
A ray of sunshine and hope dropped by yesterday in the shape of a talented young woman named Robin.
Thankfully my chameleons and fake nest didn’t frighten her away from the front door…because she sat with me on this side of the screen and in a short while made a big difference in my life.
As we all may have suspected…most of my problems with maintenance of this site were operator based…
including the fact that I seem to have broken a new record for data storage on account of pixel ignorance. Yes, yes..once again my love of all things photographic and ignorance of all things digital have taken up a vast portion of space.
Who knew?
But all of that is going to change and my anxiety level over the tech part of this site decreased considerably.
Which leads us to ….
2. My battle after she left with alternating between moments of uncontrollable, adrenaline fueled mania and a stream of negative self-talk as to how could someone be so ignorant and yet plunge herself into actually attempting to run a website….
So I did what I always do when the two sides of my brain and heart are at war…
I deputized the sane portion of my brain and commanded it to repeatedly remind the rest of me to breathe deeply and stop freaking out…to turn all of this exhilaration and new-found energy over to the Lord and stick to the To Do list that I had formulated earlier in the day when I was still living in pixel-overload-ignorance.
Which reminds me of ….
3. In an effort to overcome a tendency to procrastination and addiction to list-making, I have come up with yet another new way of inspiring myself to stay on task.
This week I have written the following motivational message at the top of my To Do’s….
At the end of today, here is what I would like to have accomplished…..
So far it is working for me, although by next week I am sure I will have figured out how to dodge being inspired by that challenge and will have to come up with something new…any ideas??
Please do share <3
4. After all my complaints about snow and overcast days…this burst of sunshine is showing forth the extreme need for windows to be cleaned and places the dust cloth has missed and well…
someone has her work cut out for her…
5. We have booked the weekend full ….
and somebody, named me, has to downsize about a thousand photos here on this little slice of the internet…
Spring Cleaning…you just got bumped to next week’s list.
Hope your weekend is full of fun things and times for resting and refreshing and may all your pixels fit where you need them to…and if anyone can actually tell me what the heck a pixel is…that would be awesome <3