Just some things on a Wednesday <3
If your life is like mine in the last few days, we seem to have a lot going on.
So many prayer needs being requested by friends…so much crazy escalating in the news and time flying by at warp speed…it’s the end of FEBRUARY people!!
And yet again…I have a visit scheduled to the chiropractor before heading to work so…five randoms to share and I am outta here <3
- Reading in Mark this morning, since our all-church study for Lent is coming from this Gospel account, and so rich.
Tons packed into each verse but for today…look at the lesson 1:31.
Peter’s mother-in-law is sick and here is the ministry of Jesus…
- He came
- He took her by the hand and lifted her up
- She is immediately healed
- She begins serving
That’s my story…how about you?
2. Rachel shared the following in a text last night and I can’t stop laughing.
She wrote that after picking fights with his little brother all day yesterday, Emmett brought her the Bible at bedtime and told her Joely needs Jesus.
Isn’t that like us sometimes?
We can’t get along with people so we figure THEY need a Jesus dose….oh my…from the mouths of babes we get our refining <3
3. I worked most of the day going through boxes in one of the spare bedrooms.
Several of them contained “memorabilia” from early years of our marriage/parenting and a tub of photos and papers and such from my mom and dad’s collection.
I sorted through everything from Russ and my dating years to brittle and yellowed baptism certificates for my grandparents.
One of the more hilarious ones was this makeshift envelope of treasures from my mom complete with the underlined warning “I want them back”…because hoarders gotta hoard ….
Sent the pic to our three and Sarah responded…now we know where she gets it.
One afternoon down memory lane and taking time to fashion an envelope to mail…means the dust lingered another day atop the furniture.
Yep…like mother, like daughter.
4. And will throw in this gem of me and my dad on my first birthday….and yes…that date on the bottom is accurate.
5. I will close with my last favorite gleaning from Mark today and that would be how Jesus would get up early in the morning and go off by Himself to pray.
The habit is recorded early in this Gospel in verse 35.
I love how he has been off praying for hours all by Himself and then the disciples come looking for Him to inform Him of the day’s agenda.
There are a lot of people who need You to do things for them so let’s get cracking, Jesus.
And Jesus says…nope.
We are headed to a new place today because there are others I need to preach to.
Jesus had spent time with God and sought His will so that He didn’t respond to the immediate but spent his energy on the main thing for that day.
On earth, He could only be in one place doing one thing.
Just like you and me.
What’s your one thing today?
Get out there and do it…and do it well….in His Name and for His glory.
Blessings dear ones…you are loved <3
Loved your story, very true.
Thank you
Loved this one! So like a mother “I want it back!” My mom had some cards we made her for at Christmas. One from me had a lamp on it, and you know every lamp has a cord so mine continues throughout the card and the plug was on the back. I still have it. Can’t get rid of it even though everyone in the family has made fun of it. Maybe that’s why. Blessings, my friend!
Oh my gosh….love this! I can just picture it! Some things we just love running across again and again!