That place between Christmas and the New Year <3
Good morning to you <3
I am in that fuzzy, sugar fueled place where the presents are slowly being absorbed into the norm of our life and we are getting just a wee bit tired of the leftovers.
That place where the charm of seeing a sign pointing the way to the Santa House in Central Park has waned and yet the glow of the candles from the Christmas Even service still flickers on my heart.
The emails have shifted from “You still have time to order” and fill in the blank with any and every possible item that had you really needed would already be wrapped and under the tree.
Now they are advertising the end of year sales with extra savings on all the same merchandise that it wasn’t too late to buy four days ago.
And fitness equipment.
And storage/organizer gadgets.
Because we will all want to be in shape and tidy when they roll out the Spring Line in a week or two.
And that is the rhythm of this culture, isn’t it?
Go big or go home.
Grab the gusto…as much as you can…and then let’s hurry along to the next thing.
But I think when we truly seek the Christ of Christmas from the first lighting of the Advent Candle, we are not in a rush to leave His story.
So let’s linger in that awe and wonder that is the story of Immanuel.
God with us.
Let’s not throw out the Baby with the wrappings and trappings of all that was Christmas 2017.
May God’s people carry the message that Christ has come into the last days of this year and tell the story through our lives in all the days that follow <3