Black & White and Red, White and Blue kinda end to the week <3
So if you are on Facebook you may have noticed a challenge going around that has thoroughly captivated me and caused me to waste copious amounts of time…
the Black and White 7 day photo challenge.
Go ahead and skip farther down to the red, white and blue part if pictures ain’t your thing.
But I have loved it.
I loved looking for things to photograph …\
poor Dublin….
even he got in on the action.
and I love editing with iPhoto to see what kinds of effects the shading can have on the picture.
I have loved looking at what others have shared and have avidly followed the people I challenged and then others who they have added …
all to say this might explain why our kitchen counters look like a mail order distribution center this morning.
Russ asked if we needed to call a contractor and have more space installed…
he suggested we could take out the laundry room since it’s not being used much these days….
and with that…
on to the red, white and blue.
With all the comments and thoughts and tweets regarding the flag and who’s standing and who’s kneeling, how about we put our feet where our mouths are (see what I did there?) and show our support for those who have served this country in a tangible way?
This weekend we honor veterans around this country, those men and women who have served us.
I know you all read this all over the country, but for those of us locally I would like to share an opportunity to thank our veterans in a personal way.
One of those we honor used to lead worship for our youth group. He had hair about as long as mine back when I had to braid mine to keep it from looking stringy.
I have fond memories of him at so many different times, one in particular, as the youth gathered at a home overlooking some of the area’s finest farm fields following a cookout.
As we watched the glory of one of God’s amazing Midwestern sunsets, Cody played his guitar and led us in one song after another.
That was one of the most significant worship experiences I hold in my heart as it was truthfully one expressed out of a sincere heart of love and gratitude that just flowed as Cody sang.
We moms always told him we knew he was a worship warrior and we prayed extra hard for him.
And then he became a real warrior.
One for America.
He enlisted in the U. S. Military and was serving in a medical unit when his unit came under attack.
What he saw and experienced has shaped and changed him and he is a different kind of warrior now.
He works to raise funds for those who return from war to know they are loved and appreciated and to provide encouragement and support.
This Saturday the group that he is a part of is holding an event
Pardon my crude tech skills…but to find out more, check out this link
or if you are on Facebook connect with H3F Veterans Day 5k fun run/ruck march
You don’t have to run to come out and support them.
The fact that I can type these words of hope and encouragement to you today and you are allowed to read them are because we have freedoms that were paid for at a high price.
Thank you dad, Uncle Theron, Cody….all the men and women who have served us and fought for the freedom of others around the world <3