
Because I also write an email….<3


If you have been following this thing for a while, you know this blog grew out of an email I started sending to our Sunday School class a number of years ago.

Every once in a while…the email becomes the blog because…I am human and I get tired…so today is one of those days.

Some is a repeat of information … but I hope it blesses you anyway.

And as a bonus, I am throwing a few extra pictures in to keep you entertained….cause I’m nice like that <3


so….from the email….

Hello to each of you,

I know some of you all read my Journey Onward blog during the week and some of you don’t so to catch everyone up – this has been quite a week for us.

As we are all still reeling and adjusting to the reactions and analysis of the elections (seriously?? has it only been a week?? feels like a year…), our family experienced the loss of Russ’s father this past Friday.

We had planned a trip to visit him anyway, but received that text-that-no-one-wants-to-get urging us to come sooner than later.

So we hastily made arrangements with gracious work settings and drove, just under the radar, across the beauty that is the Midwest farm country.


We arrived in time to choke out our thanks and our love to this kind and quiet man I was honored to call “Dad”.

The kindness that has been already extended to Russ and to our family is greatly appreciated.

So often we fail to say anything for fear of saying the wrong thing, but every extension of love and compassion and assurance of prayers has been a balm to ease some of that sense of loss. Each condolence is the touch of Jesus to us.


I am wrung out today, so no stories…no lesson…no observation.

Just a heart that is grateful to belong to the Body of Christ and to be the recipient of His Love poured out through this wonderful extended family He invited me to join.

I know many of you are still grieving loved ones who have passed…or relationships that have been taken due to the nature of this fallen world.

My heart goes out to each one who struggles today for that loss.


As we enter the Thanksgiving – Christmas holidays, those empty places around the table…the stockings that will remain in the plastic green tub…the pictures of past seasons that tug at the heart as too visible a reminder of what is no longer your reality…I understand.

So today, I lift all hurting hearts to the One who holds them and heals them and makes them whole again.

You are loved. You are a treasured possession and your pain is not forgotten.


God bless each one of you today, right where you are <3

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  1. So very sorry to learn of Russ’s dad’s passing.. A significant loss for all of you. May you feel the love and comfort of the Holy Spirit and through your friends and family who love you. God Bless.

    1. Thank you Teresa <3 That means so much and yes indeed we feel that love and comfort being prayed down over all of us <3

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