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Heart healthy

IMG_7643Sometimes life comes at us hard.

Not just our own stuff, but stuff from people close to us and people we just know and if our hearts are at all tender…it can take a toll.

God taught me something in the midst of a “too much” season many years ago.

As I was reeling from an onslaught of difficult circumstances that seemed to have no end in sight, that still small voice whispered a truth to me.


I believe in being completely honest with God, so I told Him I was pretty sure I was having a spiritual heart attack. Because that was the only way I could describe it.

I asked Him what to do to stop the pain.

And He impressed on me to follow through with that thought…because what if I was having a physical heart attack…what would I…with no medical degree and no equipment; no tools..no skills…no resources…what would I do to save myself?


And I came to the truth that I would have to entrust myself to someone who could fix me.

I would have to submit to an operating table and I would be completely helpless while those who knew what they were doing could work inside of me to heal me.

To which He then said…exactly.

Is your heart hurting? Breaking? Broken?

Submit to the One who can heal it.

Open wide your heart and surrender it to Him.

He knows what He is doing.


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