From generation to generation….
Yesterday was just one of those days that was great all around.
Nothing spectacular really happened to make me smile, but I just felt smiley inside and out. I was kind of like Buddy the Elf all day. Without the green tights.
It culminated with my favorite Tuesday night of the month at a little gathering called “Knit-a-Square”. I happened upon this group a while back.
They were sitting around the tables of our church’s coffee shop, surrounded by crochet and knitting paraphernalia, yarn and chatter and I was drawn in.
As the name implies, they knit squares. Our leader ships them off to a group in Africa that sews them together to make blankets. These coverings are then delivered to the least of these, where little ones are kept warm.
All of this because they are cold and we love Jesus.
I went home and dug out my knitting needles and some yarn and waited anxiously for the next first Tuesday of the month.
I have been going when I can ever since. A storm preempted us last week, and with the extra time, I was able to turn in my meager one square last night and have the privilege of spending sacred time in the assembly of the saints.
Look for yourself….
These are God’s tangible touch. In Africa and in my life.
As I sat in the midst of them last night, I worshipped Him and thanked Him for His goodness for sitting among women whose ages span 4 generations.
I was allowed to watch one gal teach a soon-to-be first time grandma how to crochet a flower for a baby hat.
I sat across from a beloved senior saint who I would like to call mom, as she fills the void left by my own mother’s passing. But when I look into those dancing eyes, the distance in our age shrinks and I realize this sweet thing is just too young to be my mother, even though her children are older than me.
As we sit and work and visit, all barriers of age blur and blend. Stories of family are shared, we hear about what’s going on in other’s lives.
We are women who love Jesus and have His heart for one another and for children on the other side of the world.
We pray as we stitch that the warmth of these coverings will remind them of the Savior who covers us with His blood.
We are part of something bigger than us.
Just as the Body of Christ, we each bring our squares and when joined together, the work of our Lord is accomplished.
Bless you as you bring your “square” to wherever God has you serving today. I pray that you are blessed today to see His beauty in those around you<3