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As the deer…


I love God and I love His correction…even tho it is oh, so very painful when it comes…

I am singing that old praise song this morning….As the deer panteth for the water…but it’s sung from a repentant heart. And the road to repentance is paved with conviction and struggle.

You all know I talk a bit about weariness. You may have guessed that I am no stranger to the temptation to veer dangerously close to depression. And those closest to me are quite familiar with my tendency toward sarcasm and…ugh…cynicism.

So imagine my chagrin yesterday when I read this from Paul E. Miller’s “A Praying Life”…..

“Cynicism and defeated weariness have this in common: They both question the active goodness of God on our behalf. Left unchallenged, their low-level doubt opens the door for bigger doubt. They’ve lost their childlike spirit and thus are unable to move toward their heavenly Father.” Pg. 77

I wrote in capital letters at the bottom of the page….


And then God led me, literally LED ME to read from a very old Bible that has been sitting around our house…The Living Bible….Psalm 42

Which starts out with David comparing his desire for the Lord to be like a deer who is seeking out water. He confesses the emptiness and hopelessness he is experiencing.

And then he writes a beautiful pep talk to himself. He starts by remembering God’s goodness and faithfulness and then asking a hard question of his own soul and spirit

Why be downcast? Why be discouraged?  Psalm 42: 5 TLB

Then he recounts again who God is and he acknowledges that there is an enemy spirit at work in him that is urging him to doubt that God is at work.

The spirit of cynicism calls out to him to quit being so gullible as to believe there is a God who works on his behalf.

But David CHALLENGES WEARINESS and responds….

But O my soul, don’t be discouraged. Don’t be upset. EXPECT GOD TO ACT! Psalm 42:11 TLB

Expect God to act! That is how we challenge weariness. That is how we renew our hope!

That is how we put this FAITH to the test.


And we can say, with David…

For I know …..I KNOW….that I shall again have plenty of reason to praise Him for all that He will do. He IS my help! He IS my God! Psalm 42: 11 TLB

Be encouraged today “deer” ones…He is faithful!

Do not lose hope! Do not let the enemy of your soul talk you into weariness and defeat!





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