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You are my strength when I am weak….

Sometimes we just don’t know how empty we are….



How tired….

IMG_0789How long the road has been…


How alone we feel….

Ocean Shores WA and believe me, about 5 miles east of this is bright sunshine....

Until one too many things pile up. And suddenly we are in melt down.

We are like the child at the end of the shopping trip who crumples in tears at the register when refused the zillionth treat she has asked for….like the toddler who drops to his knees with arms lifted begging to be picked up and carried, because his legs can’t go on.

In those moments, everything we know about God hangs by a thin string.

And we grit our teeth and fight for remembrance of Scripture and promises.


An old hymn, a prayer…something tangible to remind us what we know in our hearts to be true.

That God is faithful.

That even in the place of the straw that breaks the load, He is there.

He is able.

Those desperate cries, those hot tears…those too are prayers.

And the fact that you pray them, cry them, whimper them….means you believe…you have faith….IMG_0715 - Version 2

and faith does not….ever….disappoint….


even for one such as me…. <3


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