
Ah…technology…you baffle me so much


Hey all

Has this ever happened to you?

I went to log into my personal laptop yesterday and after remembering a thousand passwords for the computer the school issued me, I forgot my own. 

I have used this password multiple times a day for almost 8 years, but I hit something wrong – panicked and couldn’t remember it. 

I tried multiple times and the anxiety was palpable. I told Russ I would just set it aside and not think about it. 

We both had a good laugh and finished watching the football game. Because we both know I could think of nothing else.

I also texted Rachel to share my misery because that is what it do. Misery loves company. 

I reminded her of when I did this with my cell phone a decade plus ago. Somehow after using the same password to unlock it so many times, I blanked one night. It was so alarming. I thought I was entering dementia and that didn’t help at all. 

At that time she told me to not worry and just pick it up the next day and it would come to me. It did. 

Not so this morning. 

I tried to nonchalantly open my laptop and tap out the password like I always do, but it did that zigzag movement and stubbornly stayed shut. 

After one more futile attempt trying to remember and juggling numbers around, I called AppleCare. 

You know my history with customer service people, but this is the only company I never dread calling. As always, the representative answered quickly. She was pleasant and assured me this is a common problem. 

Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t, but thank you Marguerite for saving the last shreds of my dignity. 

She told me to start by typing in any password three times. I tapped in one that I had thought was correct and then when I tapped in the second, my brain must have righted itself and my fingers went magically to the correct sequence. 

Suddenly the sign in screen melted into the one with the background photo of our Thanksgiving picture from 2020 and all was fine again. 

Marguerite and I had a good moment of rejoicing and here we are. Back in business. 

Apologies for starting so many sentences with “I”…apologies that this is the best I have for the day. 

But my takeaway is that the consistency of courtesy and help from AppleCare keeps me coming back to their product. 

It inspires me to be kind, courteous and compassionate with those I need to help today. It reminds me that laughter added to a conversation helps so much. 

I might carry an apple with me just to remind me of this….if I can remember where I put them. 

I jest. 

Blessings and have a wonderful day <3

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