Happy belated New Year and December book review
Happy New Year!
Since I have a strong motivation to make and keep some goals this year, I am posting on this holiday that is probably one of my favorites. Ironically – I wrote this post on New Years Day and was pretty pumped to share it when I realized it was 12:05 PM and my posts have to go out by noon…sigh… so here is what I wrote too late to post yesterday…..
New Year’s Day is a mix of fresh starts and vacation mode at its finest.
I feel energized, but also enjoy having some fun holiday food and putzing around the house with zero guilt.
I carried some Christmas trim to the holding area this morning, had a chocolate treat for breakfast, started the 2025 exercise plan and have mixed getting my water intake with an extra cup of warm caffeine.
So why not share my book report on schedule, right?
I don’t have a photo of The Cross and Switchblade by David Wilkerson, which I read with the English 12 class the past eight weeks. Published in 1963, I remember it was a big deal when I was growing up. I was too young to read it at the time of publication. To be honest, it was difficult even at the ripe old age of 66.
The descriptions of drug use and gang life were challenging. It is a very good book for all of us. If things were like this in the late 50’s, I think we can imagine they have worsened as poverty steals the souls of our young people in cities of all sizes.
The message of hope and redemption is powerful and I am thankful I had the opportunity to read this book. I would forgo the movie version. Having read the book, the movie is rather confusing and definitely has that weird 70’s vibe. It was interesting to see the students’ essays and I hope they grew in faith as well as compassion for those who have no hope.
I also do not have a photo of the numerous essays and short stories I read with the 7th and 8th grade. We read a ton of random stories for 7th grade and it was hilarious and painful to share with the five tween boys with whom I attempt to share my love of literature. I did enjoy almost every minute of it and there were times they made me so proud of them.
For the 8th grade, we read a small novel on the French Revolution. It took me back to my own days of high school English and reading an abbreviated version of A Tale of Two Cities. My French history and culture lessons kicked in strong as well. It was a fun read, at least for me and again I was proud of some of the hard work I saw as they developed some critical thinking skills.
The other two books that are photographed are my annual read through of the Bible and the devotional I used daily.
I will start with the devotional. As always, my dear friend Lisa prayerfully selected it and there were more days than I can count where God used these gentle words to speak to me. Daily Devotions for Peace of Mind is a collection of writings from a variety of contributors. You do not have an indication of which person wrote what devotion, but they are spot on and were very good.
If you are looking for a morning devotional for the new year, I highly recommend this one.
For my annual read through of the Bible, I used the One Year Chronological Study Bible that was gifted to me from our sister-in-law Sonja. It uses the NLT and had great discussion questions at the end of each section.
You will notice it has a fair amount of paper markers.
This is because life happened and the discussion questions often got a quick once-over, if that. So I tabbed pages I want to study better and that will be my “Bible intake” for 2025. I feel I rushed through reading more than I have any other year.
My soul felt lean.
So I plan to feed on these with more in-depth study as part of my quiet time.
I hope to read more this year. It is one of my goals.
I spend far too much time on my phone and am giving myself multiple lectures on the wasting of time.
You will be privy to some of the tools I am using to motivate myself and I will need to be holding myself accountable here since we are having this discussion.
How about you?
How are you heading into 2025?
I am not usually a “Resolution” girl, but the past few years I have remained the same in a couple of areas at the end of the year and I want to be able to say I made some changes.
So I am calling them “Goals” and I am making a place for them and we shall see!!!
Hope you are having a restful, peaceful, happy New Year Day yourself!
See you tomorrow <3