
An open letter to Graham <3


An open letter to Graham

Dear Graham,

This week when I was getting your siblings ready for the turn around from after school to your ball game, we were putting backpacks away and getting snacks prepared. Your mom texted me and asked me to bring her a small bag of Ruffles potato chips from the lunch box stash.

I stopped making sandwiches and ran over to dig through the supplies. I grabbed a bag of regular chips and continued to assemble a PB and J for Caroline. Suddenly, I remembered she had specifically said “Ruffles”. They have ridges you know and sometimes a girl needs something more than just a plain chip.

I went back over and had to dig far back but I found the familiar blue bag and nabbed it. As I returned to my deli tasks, the littlest two came in and asked if they could have chips as well. 

Of course, I said yes. They began their own search and I heard Caroline say she wanted Ruffles. Like mother, like daughter. 

Joel, as you know G, was fully apprised of the inventory situation. He said Caroline couldn’t have Ruffles. There was only one bag left and Graham had not had any yet. He felt they should save that last bag for you. 

I interjected into the conversation the newest information. Mom had requested Ruffles and I was taking that bag to her. 

Joel’s response speaks volumes to your character. He immediately assured me that Graham wouldn’t mind at all not having his share if mom wanted it. 

To have this reputation with your little brother is huge. In that simple transaction, I saw that he sees his big brother would put mom before himself. This is an example I hope he lives up to. 

It’s a process, this developing of character and selflessness. It comes easily in relationship with some of your people and you will have to work harder at it with others. I pray you do the hard work. 

You have a good start there, G-dawg. Your little brother looks up to you and in things like this, he is seeing a good example of respect for others.

I pray you will continue to grow to be the kind of man who has a good and solid reputation for the little things that matter much. I pray your name spoken by others is always an example of honor and grace, mercy and kindness. 

Sometimes you will fall short, sometimes you will be misunderstood. But I pray the general bent of your life is a model of integrity and strength for those coming behind you. 

Love you, little man.

Thanks for being someone who wouldn’t mind sharing his Ruffles with mom.

Lola <3

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