
That summer vibe <3

Well, I am just touching base with you all and admitting that I may finally have gotten in somewhat of a groove for summer. I know. I know. The first day of summer on the solar scheme of things was last week, but we all know that here in America, summer began back in May. 

By the time the last fireworks disappear on the night of the Fourth, there will be those who will be on the downhill stretch of what Summer 2024 will be for them. Ball games will wind down, there will be a last attempt at a vacation and while the towels and swimsuits are drying the back to school shopping will commence. 


And here I am just now feeling like I can wait til later in the day to shower as I want to get outside and do things before the heat of the day builds. I am finally taking my coffee outside in the morning when we have the time and doing my devotions out there to the sound of the birds chirping. 

We have been grilling some meals, which is just the best part of summer. Produce is starting to show up for real from the places that provide the best veggies for us every year. I even made an ice cream cake recipe that was so easy and so good this weekend. 

Saturday brought us our first watermelon, which is not the best I have ever had, but still…what a treat. Today I decided to take a long bike ride while Russ was playing pickle ball and I didn’t even feel like it was a luxury because … yes!

It is summer and that is what you do. 

Anyone else have a hard time adjusting to a relaxed pace and freedom to sit out on a bench in the shade and just linger chatting with people as the sun persists to make its slow ascent to the horizon? 

Anyone else feel guilty picking up a book at three in the afternoon to read or going to the Farmer’s Market just to get a donut and some flowers for the vase at home? 

It’s always a struggle for me to balance the things that I think need to be done, the things that I would like to get done and doing the things of summer that can only be done in this short season. 

And there is the key…balance. 

As always, seeking balance in my days and thinking. 

If you can relate, welcome to the club. I was reminded by a friend/reader today the value of making lists so we don’t let things drop. These lists should include some work and some fun, some time alone and some time with people, activates that help us stay healthy and menu plans so we aren’t grabbing fast food on the fly. 

I hope you are off to a good start to your summer. Embrace the different pace and enjoy the season. Here is the link for the ice cream cake. You can make it all kinds of different ways and we loved it. We did the Chips Ahoy, Cookies and Cream Ice Cream and Chocolate syrup/whipped cream <3


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