So on Monday, I shared this about our tree as it appeared with Graham’s decorating help.
And the more I thought about it, it really is a lot like the way I go about life.
I open up the box of gifts and talents the Lord has given me to reach a weary and hurting world, and I keep putting them all in the same small space.
The space that I can see right in front of me.
The space where I am comfortable and I can manage.
And there’s this whole big wide tree that is outside my reach, but not outside His…
I want to keep it small….
He wants to reach the outermost branches….
I want to brighten my little corner….
He wants to light the world…
When I started a newsletter for our Sunday School class, I kept praying we could just keep it small…keep it to the people I know…but that’s kinda like….
This “cyber community” is a funny thing…funny as in odd…but I want you to know, if you stopped by today to see what’s on this blonde brain; YOU were prayed for. Even though I don’t know who’s reading this…even though you may know waaaaayyyyyy more about me than I do you, I pray about what to write and I pray for whoever will read it.
I’m busy like you, with the addition of a whole bunch of holiday activities piled into an already full schedule of regular life.
But YOU matter to me: because…YOU matter to God.
I can’t explain why, but He has placed on my heart the desire to encourage others through the words He constantly writes in my mind. Throughout the day, He shows me little snippets of His goodness and urges me to capture those thoughts and share them.
Be blessed today to know that YOU are on our Father’s heart.
Breathe deeply of His Spirit, feed on His Word, drink in His Righteousness, rest fully in His Grace <3
Be blessed today, dear one! The Lord our God is with YOU!!!!!!!!
You will be blessed to know that that was Anne Voskamp’s message tonight also !!
Then I know it was God, and I am blessed beyond words <3 What a delightful surprise!!!!