
Randoms on the run!


I didn’t have a chance to post yesterday and today is a quick list of randoms before I head out for an exercise class. 

Here we go!

Random #1


Spoiler alert for the end of month book report. I am reading through some more of the Anne of Green Gables series and it makes me smile the way she looks for “kindred spirits” as she meets people. 

She can usually tell up front if they are or if they are not, and it isn’t based on a great start to the relationship. By “kindred spirits” she doesn’t mean they think exactly like her on every subject, but rather that there is an understanding of giving people space to be who they are, while maintaining your own autonomy. It is shared humor and a willingness to sit with one another in whatever circumstances come along. 

If she finds this kindred spirit in someone, she will work to build a relationship and if she doesn’t, she treats that one with honor and respect but sets up clean boundaries. I love how these books describe such relationships so well. 

Random #2


It is Mario Kart season here in the Midwest. 

Yes, the recent snow and ice have birthed an array of potholes and driving is once again an adventure. Soon these will be filled with gooey black rocks that will create a new kind of driving technique. 


Random #3


I recently had to pass on a sign up sheet for church because I don’t want to download the app involved to my phone. I am of a certain age where I pick and choose what technology hoops I will jump through. 

I won’t Venmo or use QR codes unless it is the only way I can the access the menu and then I complain mightily the entire time. 

For a girl who had to learn “Snowball programming” in college and discovered the whole thing was outdated before they handed me my diploma, I feel justified in saying no when I don’t want to play the game. 

Random #4


Maybe it’s the Anne of Green Gables. Maybe it’s just the way people talk to others. But recently I have been reminiscing about how when I was growing up, I had to add ma’am and sir to any yes or no I was giving to someone who appeared to be an adult. 

It may have been because I was the daughter of a military family or it may have been their southern roots, or it may have been a combination. But I answered all adults with that cultural sign of respect attached to it.

Do you know when I broke it? I must have been in my mid 20’s and I said No sir to an adult male who was obviously older than me and he accused me of being a smart aleck and I better never do that again. 

I was mortified. I thought maybe I had reached the age where it wasn’t appropriate and I ceased. 

Lately I have found myself using it again on people of all ages. It makes me laugh every time it slips out.

Random #5


Yesterday I was musing about a class Rachel signed Graham and Emmett up for when they were little mites. It was through the park district and they had a fun time learning about pirates and making costumes and such. 

For some reason I got to take them to a few of the classes while she was either working or tending Joel. Long story short, they were the last to such things. 

I remember this with our own three. Story times became problematic with older children. Classes that were fun for the first ones, lost luster with the follow up siblings who tagged along on bigger adventures. 

It’s kind of tender when you think about it. 

Just the way life is as you add children. 

Okay – Gotta fly! 

Have a great day!

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