
Embracing winter <3


I don’t know about you, but the time between Christmas Eve and today has seemed to last longer than the entire month of December did.

Our four are out of school until next Monday and I do believe they are ready to be back in the routine and circle of friends. Don’t get me wrong, everyone has enjoyed the break and gotten plenty of a good blend of rest and activities, but structure and routine are beginning to look rather appealing. 

In the blur of post holidays, I am working on removing Christmas and contemplating what to leave up that is snow/snowman/winter related. The gray days call for slower movement, hot tea and grabbing a throw whenever I sit down. 

Winter is upon us and I will embrace it. 

I have read a few articles about how our bodies require more rest on those shorter days of daylight. There is a reason you feel a bit more sleepy. Our bodies need the rhythm of the seasons. 

We also need fresh air and thus I bundle up and make my walk every day that is possible given time and windchill. Though much of the skin is covered and there are not many sun rays, the exposure to light is good for us. 

While many of my walks have been on cloudy days this week, I look forward to the icy blue that is the highlight of a Midwest winter sky. And as the sun sets and the bare trees become silhouettes, try and discern the deep purple hues of the branches. So beautiful. 

I am already seeing posts and hearing comments about longing for Spring. I love Spring as much as anyone, but skipping over winter is not in my plans. This is the time of reading books, watching basketball, making soups, knitting and napping. 

How about you? 

What are you looking forward to this winter? How do you plan to embrace the colder, cloudier days? What are you doing to refresh, rest and be renewed as we enter 2024? 

Blessings on each of you and a toast to you with a warm mug of something tasty <3

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