Never, ever, ever give up <3
On Wednesday Russ and I had a special opportunity of going with a group of local people to a Cardinal’s game in St. Louis.
It’s always fun to go to a game, but with that being said I must give full disclosure.
It was an evening game but still extremely hot and humid.
There was only enough air movement from time to time to give us hope that we would not die (maybe that was just me, everyone else seemed to be okay with the sauna like atmosphere).
Also the Cardinals were doing okay and holding their own until the Astros hit two homers in one inning towards the end and the Cardinals couldn’t answer the call.
To make matters worse there was a rather healthy contingent of Astros’ fans spread out in the section to our immediate right. It was led by a fervent cheerleader, a man in his apparent 40’s who stood near the row closest to the field and waved his arms and led chants as the home team floundered.
Amidst all of this revelry arose a darling boy about Joel or Emmett’s age. He stood alone a few rows up from Captain Astro and started his own rally cry.
The Cardinals were up to bat and he would cup his hands around his mouth and call out as if the batter could hear him. Using the first or last or nickname, he would loudly encourage each one over and over.
To add to his mission, he would turn around and call out for other fans to join him. Pretty soon adults and kids in both sections joined in with either clapping or shouting or both.
He held fast to the bitter and sad end, continually causing me to believe that, gosh darn it, we just might rally.
I could’t let the little guy down. He believed and wouldn’t give up hope, so why should we?
I can’t stop thinking about him.
Sometimes, and even often, it seems the rats are indeed winning the race. It seems like the whole world is lost and doesn’t even care. And we have put on our rally caps and cheered til we are hoarse and we want to give up.
Don’t give up.
Keep doing the right thing.
Keep cheering yourself and the team and others on.
Keep believing.
In the face of a loud enemy who might have you quaking, stand strong.
Stand firm.
It ain’t over til it’s over and in the game of eternity we already know who wins <3