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A thing of beauty is truly a joy forever <3


Just a quick thought to kick off the week. 

I have been enjoying this little branch of the Tradescantia zebrina a friend gifted me after we saw them growing like grass in Nairobi. 

Also known as the “silver inch plant” or “wandering jew/dude”, this plant was struggling in a different location but loved when I moved it to a shelf by the patio door. 

The single branch shooting up against those cook books is pleasing to my eye and makes me smile so much I had to snap a photo. 

Because we are drawn to beauty. 

This morning in my devotional time I focused on some passages where God calls us His handiwork, His artwork, His poetry. 

Ephesians 2:10 goes so far as to call us a “masterpiece”

 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.


Intentional designed.

For a purpose. 

I love beautiful things but I especially love it when these beautiful things are practical and serve a purpose. 

Sometimes the purpose is simply to bring joy and sometimes they prove to be useful. 

The plant in the photo not only is pleasant to look at, it helps clean the air in our home and the cookbooks it rests against provide me with ideas for good meals, but are artistically designed to be pleasing to the eye. 

Beauty is different for each of us. 

For some it is a well planned schedule, the efficient use of time, the ability to provide for someone else a need they were helpless to fill, or the aesthetics of sound or sight through the arts. 

We appreciate what we think is beautiful because we are wired to see beauty. 

God is beautiful. 

What He creates is beautiful 

You are beautiful and were handcrafted by Him for good and beautiful works. 

He intentionally designed you to do good things. And in doing so, He is showing us who He is. 

He is not a taskmaster, but in all His design He is pointing us to the true beauty of His glory so that we recognize and worship our Creator and not His creation. 

Incredible way to start the week, beautiful one, I hope you are opening your eyes and ears and hearts to all He has for you <3

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