
When choosing your wardrobe <3


This morning as I was getting ready for work, I mused on a rule we had for what to wear on the sales floor when I was hired at our local Talbots a few years back. 

The manager told me I didn’t have to dress in Talbots, but I needed to look like Talbots. In other words, analyze what is making up the current inventory and then dress accordingly in a similar classic style. 

Every job, and actually, every season of life has a “uniform.” As I dressed this morning, I kept in mind what our current top selections look like in the place I work now and I found something that kind of fit that mode. 

Being honest here, I have about fifteen different angles I could take this topic and run with, but today I want to simply say that as a Christian I have been told what to wear daily. 

For instance, in Ephesians 6: 11-18, we are told to dress for warfare every day. We are reminded that the battles we face are not against flesh and blood. The “enemies” are not the people we will encounter, but instead the conflicts we face are just a physical manifestation of a spiritual battle that is being waged. 

So Paul urges us to dress appropriately. 

<3 We are to put the protection of Christ’s salvation over our mind.

<3 We are to cover our heart with reminders of the righteousness of God.

<3 We are to tighten truth around our guts; because how often do we say that we know something in our gut? 

<3 The places we step and walk should be covered in the gospel of truth – which not only protects our steps but stamps the good news on those paths.

<3 And for our weapons, we have the protection of faith and the defensive/offensive weapon of God’s Word (’tis a double edged sword, friend) 

In another passage of Scripture, also from Paul, we have another description of what to wear each day.

The Message by Eugene Peterson says it so well:

So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.

Colossians 3: 12-14 The Message

I love how Peterson translates this as “the wardrobe God picked out for you.” 

It’s how Jesus dressed. 

Which takes me back to my opening thoughts.

At Talbots, it was okay to fake it. A cardigan from Target over a white button down from Kohls tucked into a pair of black dress pants worked fine. 

In Christianity, this is not the case. 

In following Jesus, just putting on a facade will eventually get you caught. Your label will be revealed and you discredit not only yourself, but God. 

The only way I know to be genuine and authentic in wearing both the full armor of God and that outfit He picked out for me to wear faithfully is to rely on Him to change me from the inside out.


I can only dress appropriately with HIs help and in His strength. 

Just trying to model these things in my own strength will not be lasting. It is a daily dying to self, a daily putting on of the new woman.

And there won’t be a day when I won’t need Him to button up the back of my armor or help me tie my shoes of peace. 

Blessings friends as you allow Him to dress you for your work today. And by the way, I love your outfit  <3

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