Resources as we head into 2023 Day 2
As I continue to share resources, one of the things I have been asked is what kind of “Bible Reading Plan” do I use. I have tried the ones that come with the Bible version app or the plan they offer in resources like Our Daily Bread or similar publications and none of those work for me.
I get bogged down trying to keep track of yet another devotional material item.
So basically when I read through the Bible, I just do that. I read through the Bible. My method is to select a Bible I will use for this annual read through and I look at the last page to see what the number is. I divide that by 365 and that is basically the amount of material I need to cover daily.
Sometimes I read more, sometimes I read less; so throughout the year I do a check. I subtract the last page from my current place in the Bible and divide by the number of days left in the year. If it’s still the same, I know I am on track …. More? Good on me, I may finish early. Less? Better add a page or two for a few weeks til I am caught up again.
I have had people mention that Bibles have different numbers of pages they cover. True. But it’s still the same material. For example, I have a devotional bible that has inserted numerous devotions throughout the pages. I don’t read those every day. I read only the Scripture. So if I use a Bible with no devotions, my number of pages to read will be different, but I am still covering the same amount of actual Scripture.
For variety, I use a different Bible year to year. Here are the ones I rotate:
NKJV with commentary by Jack Hayford (God rest his precious soul) – this one I do actually read more because the notes are so helpful. Can purchase here
The Message with commentary by Eugene Peterson – again, I do read all the notes and added commentary because it is so excellent. This one is out of print and my copy is now quite valuable as I see what used ones go for.
The Chronological Bible – love seeing things in time order and this one often doubles up on Scripture so may be a good place to start if you are new to reading the whole thing in a year.
This year I am using my (in)Courage Devotional Bible since it is the one I also use for sermon notes at church currently.
I also enjoy rediscovering sermon notes, my own notes, notes from studies and just dates and ways God spoke to me as I go back through these treasures of my faith journey.
People have commented to me that they think reading the Bible in a year is rote and they would rather study it or move more slowly or use a plan. Good for any way that you choose to do it.
Personally, I took a year off from reading daily through the Bible and I discovered I am rather lame at reading if I don’t have some kind of committed plan. This is the best way for me to make a plan and stick to it, so I do this.
Find what works for you.
Select a Bible from your collection or invest in a new one and read with fresh eyes.
Just do it.
This is the best way to feed your soul and put yourself in a position for God to speak to you daily.
If you have questions, let me know.
Just stay in the Word!