Words can be so soothing to the heart…passing along some good medicine for today <3

This morning I am sharing something our Rachel girl wrote and posted a year ago on Facebook.
It must have popped up on her memories and she shared again with the comment that it is still hard and still true with a full rotation around the sun between the first time and now.
As I read it early yesterday morning, it was like God was putting some balm on deep hurts and loss from the past year.
As a society we have mourned losses, found laughter where we could, decided when gathering was worth the risk and weathered some serious bouts of anxiety, doubt, conflict and fear.
I asked her if I could share her sweet and wise words and the photo that inspired them, and she graciously gave me the yes…I hope it ministers to you as it did to me.
Sometimes all we need is to know we are not alone in our grief and processing of feelings.

Sis thought the beta fish needed to see friends since he was alone in his own cup.
She kept telling him there were other fish and he wasn’t alone and took him to each tank.
It made me cry…so many glass doors or artificial screens or masks hiding a portion of our face, making it hard to fellowship with the ones we love.
Relationships matter.
Social emotional health is of the highest importance.
Check in with those you love….<3
And for those settling for glass doors for now…I see you and am praying for your heart to be filled. <3
Rachel Maxwell September 26, 2020

The past 18 months have been hard, my friends. No denying it.
But God is good and He is speaking through the voices of those who are leaning hard into Him for strength and comfort.
Listen to the voices that speak hope and healing.
Thank you, dear Rachel, for being that kind of voice <3