September book list and August check in day <3
I have to tell you, I started this monthly book report on the Journey for two reasons.
First, I enjoy seeing what books other bloggers I follow are reading and second, I wanted some kind of accountability for finishing books.
I love to read and collect books faster than our shelves collect dust. However, after rearing three younguns to adult-hood followed by stepping joyfully into whole-hearted grandparenting, plus having a tendency to overbook every single day of my life…I found that I had grown lax in attention span for finishing a book.
I realized I have some I started and never finished and a lot I never cracked open after ordering.
So this has been a way for me to know I need to finish what I started and yes…sometimes books stay in the stack for a while or don’t make the next month or two and then reappear.
Such is the case for August.
I did read two of the ones pictured above this month and a good portion of one.
I loved the Jan Karon book for light reading, although I did get a bit frustrated with Father Tim’s lack of commitment to relationship. Thankfully I did not give up on him and was rewarded with a happy announcement at the closing page of the book.
I am hooked.
Mitford is my home away from home in the world of fiction and I plan to dig up the next book in the series.
I also read His Mighty Strength and found it to be so very encouraging. I picked up several takeaways that I will share tomorrow. It is a practical faith application book presented with no drama, but honest testimony.
Tune in tomorrow for those thoughts.
And now for September:
Another eclectic effort on my part.
I am loving the N. T. Wright book and putting some understanding into questions I have had in the past when reading the four gospels.
The White Fragility is one that got buried and never finished and I do want to finish that as well as a perspective on issue from a book a friend read and gifted me a copy. Two very different ways of viewing some of our deepest areas of conflict in life and culture of 2021, and I am praying to read both with open mind and discernment for God’s truth as I learn more about the struggles of others and yet adhere to my convictions on how to interact with all people and show them God’s love.
The Dreyer’s English was another gift from a dear friend who thinks I can put words together in an intelligent way and is encouraging me to do it even better. I am convicted by the little bit I have read to remember that my posting here is not often something an English teacher would smile upon.
I sense my entries would use up quite a large amount of red ink.
A work in progress to the bitter end…that’s me.
Okay…so what are you reading???
Do tell.
Hugs and I will see you tomorrow!
Hi, Laura! I just finished We Will Not Be Silent. It is excellent and made me much more aware of some ideas going on behind the scenes in our society right now! Beyond that I’m reading Spiritual Mothering by Susan Hunt. Also will be doing Identity Theft edited by Melissa Kruger ( chapters by several authors) and In His Image by Jen Wilkin. All of these (and more) are in preparation for our Women’s Discipleship Ministry. All excellent!
Thank you – am posting so others can see your reading list. I know people are always looking for good books! Thank you <3