A big day in our house and a special guest to share with you <3
Today is a very special day in our household.
While I have changed jobs as frequently as some people refresh their wardrobe, my better half has been a faithful employee at Archer Daniels Midland Company since he first walked in the doors of that facility a month after we said our vows and packed our meager hand-me-down furniture, some wedding money to live on and moved into a one bedroom apartment in a town where we knew no one.
For thirty-nine years plus a few months he managed to give both his work and us his very best.
The standard he holds others to is no less than the one he holds for himself and he is gracious, kind, diplomatic and focused 24/7. And today is his last official day on the job.
Whenever I have met people who know him through work they do the usual bantering in front of him but at some point make sure I know what a fine man he is. I can honestly tell them that yes, I know that. Because the man they know at work is the same man at home and he is and always has been the finest human being God ever gave me the privilege of meeting let alone spending my adult years with.
I had thought to ask him to write a post but thought he would decline and then last week he asked if he could do a guest spot for his last day. I was thrilled and I know you will be blessed by his farewell words.
So without further ado…
A Good Run by Russ Reimer
My world is changing today as I will wrap up my years of service at the only company I have worked for since leaving college. On Monday, I will wake up and not have a steady job to report to for the first time in almost 40 years.
Will it be strange? Most definitely.
Will I miss the challenges that have been sent my way? I will.
Will I miss the kind people along the path that have helped me get to this point. Very much so.
Am I ready? I think I am.
I have seen many people leave the work force over the years. Some on their own schedule and according to their own plan. Some not as fortunate, impacted by downsizing and corporate decisions.
We live in an unusual time and for many situations the choices are made for us. The world seems to be against us and the goals we have for our families and our careers are not always achieved.
The difficulties we are faced with can sometimes seem unsurmountable and keep us in a downward spiral.
I have been there.
I can recall some very difficult times in my work career when I thought this just isn’t working.
Projects over budget, employees getting injured and ongoing natural disasters that limited my team from accomplishing our goals were all factors that could have changed the plans I had made.
I have kept one scripture in mind through it all.
Philippians 4:13 which says: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
God has provided for me and my family through the ups and downs of the working world.
I have prayed for my employees daily for many years now and this has helped me regain my focus.
I can’t control the things that are bigger than me but I can turn it over to God to help me make it through.
My next journey is a little uncertain due to the fact that I will not have a set schedule.
Chasing grandchildren, playing golf, time for reading and time for myself will be on my calendar and that’s ok.
What’s next is not known; however, He is in control.
I am grateful I have my best friend to help me navigate the waters(my wife of nearly 40 years) and I am sure I will drive her crazy.
But that’s ok too.
We started this journey together as two very poor college students and have gone through much to get to this point. Pray for her as she gets more time with me than she has ever had!
To my current colleagues, former colleagues, peers, friends and family members; thank you for the role you have played in this chapter.
As a good friend tells me on a regular basis, we are now entering the 4th quarter(60+).
I hope we make it to overtime!
It has been a good run.
Congratulations!! What a beatiful testimony to our SAVIOR!! I am thrilled for you! Wow, you are so rare, to be so devoted to your work place. What an example!! I am glad that the Lord allowed Jim and I to walk next to you through a chapter years ago. Maybe in the calmer 4th quarter we can reconnect for a cup of coffee or a dinner together! I am so happy for you! Barb Bone
Oh my gosh! What a blast to have you share in the joy! Still so thankful God brought us to FCC and to meet you and Jim and be blessed by your ministry! We love you all and Russ is all in for that coffee AND dinner!!!!
Great testimony to the faithfulness of God. It will be strange to wake up and wonder what you will do, but just know that God is in this phase too. Your identity is not in ADM but in GOD. Enjoy
Thank you!!!
So far he is about as relaxed as I have ever seen him and seems quite fit for this next season! I am sure there will be days he misses the challenges, but for right now he is sure smiling a lot <3
Congratulations Russ and Laura on retirement and a life well lived! Much happiness and blessings for this next season.
Awwww…thank you!!!
Congratulations to you both! So much love for you both as I think over years we have shared in different activities. Praying the best is yet to come, and, no doubt it is!
Always my prayer for him the past at his work…and now beyond…for the best is yet to be. Each day <3
Congratulations, Russ and Laura!! Enjoy the many years ahead!!
Thank you so much!
I had NO idea the writing ability!!! Wow!! Your ability to tell a story is most admirable. Consider me impressed. Russ, you are to be congratulated not just for your deserved retirement, but for the sticky loyalty you’ve had to ADM all these years. Your time there was to their benefit, just as your leaving is to their detriment. I’m sure it is with wishes of Godspeed. Enjoy retirement, my friend. And Laura, GREAT blog!!!
Thank you for your kind words to both of us! I read to Russ and he is deeply appreciative of your words. As am I <3
Congratulations Russ. What an accomplishment . Be so very proud. Enjoy your retirement, your wonderful wife and those grandchildren. You are so deserving of it all.
Thank you! I shared with him and he appreciates your kind words! <3
I’m truly happy for you to enter this 4th quarter. It’s a great phase of life. ♥️
Many thanks. It is a process to make the change from one season to the next, but we have seen God faithful in every one leading to this so we have no doubt He will show us how to move forward <3
Congratulations on your very much deserved retirement, it was great privilege to work for you. You were great leader, boss and mentor. Go Vols
I read it to him – he is deeply touched. Thank you for all you do. He still has that Volunteer shirt ready to go – we will have to come visit some day and attend a game!
Thank you Russ!! I have had the great privilege of working for Russ since 2007. A man that has been a boss, a friend, and a mentor. The world needs more men like him. My life has been blessed from from knowing Russ! Thank You and God Bless!!
People like you make leaving the hardest for him, this I know. You and your team and all the others around the country matter much to him. I fondly remember our visit to that answered prayer of a facility in your fair city and meeting all of you. You will do well and it is all in good hands!
<3 back at you
Very best to your retirement! I love the words you wrote and will share with my spouse who is struggling to get to retirement in a few months.
Thank you. It is not an easy decision and one that we have to prayerfully enter into. As we have talked, just because it is the right time doesn’t make it less hard to walk away. He will miss the wonderful people and the work he loved doing and did well. He will find his next thing that God has for him, but there is a grief process that comes. Blessings as you wait for God’s perfect timing.