Would everyone just take a seat and be quiet please?

Every year I get a devotional as a gift from one of my friends.
She prays about which one to get and so far she has batted a thousand every year.
Today’s thoughts included this expression attributed to an author named Jan Johnson and refers to being plagued by “the committee that lives in my head.”
Her committee was made up of four voices and they all were her own personality quirks…and I must say it sounds rather peaceful.
Because the committee that lives in my head includes all the voices of my own quirks PLUS…the real and imagined voices of my parents, my sister, my husband, our children, and other casual and influential people who make up my circles plus assorted media, culture and current trending statistics.
Which is why I sometimes have a melt down when the real live people I am actually currently in the presence of are all talking…because seriously…too. much. noise.
I have heard you cannot have more than one thought going on at a time, but my thoughts are often like popcorn popping and maybe they are just one at a time but they are bouncing all over the sides of my brain and it can be quite exhausting.
Making a decision is particularly difficult because as I am attempting to weigh my options and the possible consequences of any given choice, the voices in my head start joining into the discussion.
And as I mentioned…it may not be what they would really tell me if I could ask them..it’s somehow what I think they are thinking…so weird.
It is at these times that I truly have to discipline myself to bring all the thoughts…all the voices…all the opinions and suppositions…under the control of the only Voice that really matters.
Discipline is not always easy, but each time I do, I get stronger.
Recently I listened to a very helpful audio book on this subject entitled 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do by Amy Morin and it was enlightening. It was also slightly encouraging in that not every single chapter left me going…yeah…that’s a problem for me.
I found great tips for identifying areas where I struggle in my thinking and ways to take steps that line up with Scripture.
Please note…this book is not overly Christian … but is rooted in spiritual truth.
I highly recommend it for reading because as she points out in the conclusion chapter…we all struggle with areas that need growth and maturity throughout our lives…we are works in progress…and as a Christian I know, I will not be perfect until Christ presents me perfected at the end of my journey…but I sure want to do my part in the process <3
Here is the link to her page for it…you can order through a variety of sources <3