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Commemoration Week 2014 <3 Monday



On August 13, 2005 I wrote an entry in my journal after a late night heart to heart with our son. He had spilled out some hurts that he carried from the past year. My heart was heavy for some pain he had suffered and carried alone. I understood. Sometimes it is hard to put in to words what we are going through, even and especially to share with those closest to us.

I told him that I knew now how to pray – for healing, for restoration, for hope, and for God to bring about the good He always promises for those who love Him, even in the things that don’t make sense.

I poured out my own heart to God that morning and dug deeply into His Word, seeking strength to follow through with all that faith talk.

I wrote meditations based on Scriptures and devotions that I was reading as part of my quiet time.

I wrote promises of God. I wrote prayers to God that morning and then I landed in Exodus 13 and 14.

I want to share some of the background of that and I pray it blesses you this week.

I had meditated on Genesis 1:2–25, reflecting on the goodness of all of God’s creation.

I wrote a prayer based on Jeremiah 10:23&24…. a LOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGG prayer….which I may be including sometime this week…..and some other meditations, declarations and prayers.

In all, it was a morning of extreme closeness to God through His word and prayer . As God ministered to me through His Word, I began to be filled with Hope for John and for healing and for redemption.

The result was that I felt God was calling me to remember that day in some special and significant way.

So I determined to commemorate each year, with a week long celebration, all that God had shown me that morning.

I wrote a note to mark the following year’s calendar for the week around August 13th as a Week of Commemoration.

Little did I know that in January of 2006, when our daughter and her fiance were planning their wedding, it would fall on August 12th! But God had known.

How He must have smiled as I jotted down on a blank calendar to set aside that week for celebrating the previous year.

How He must have laughed out loud the day we were trying to make plans and everything dead ended until we came upon August 12th and I opened the calendar to see it had already been marked for a celebration of God’s faithfulness!

How He must have just clapped His hands when 4 years later our second daughter asked if August 14th would work for a wedding….and yes, the week had already been marked the year before as the week of Commemoration and Celebration!

And so today, I begin the Commemoration Week for 2014.

Will you join me on the journey?

From my journal in 2005; receive with me the PROMISES of God <3

The LORD God has stretched out His hand. He has thrown the enemy into darkness and confusion – He has given us Light, Revelation and Clarity TODAY. 

ALL WILL know His Glory when they see the destruction of the Egyptians and the deliverance of God’s people – Do NOT be afraid!

Stand firm and you WILL see the deliverance the LORD will bring TODAY

The Egyptians you see TODAY you will …..


see again!

The Lord will fight for you; 

You need….


to be….

still.                 Exodus 14: 13-14

Stand still on the Promises of God with me, TODAY…and remember….

We are crossing the Jordan

He is leading us

He will fight for us

The enemy is in darkness and confusion NOW

We are in clarity and light and revelation Truth NOW

We are delivered TODAY – the enemy is defeated TODAY – this one is finished – over – we will never see this enemy again

He will show us the way because it is a new way

It is finished TODAY – we will see His GLORY from now on

He has been at work through all of this dark, confusing time – we believed it, now we will see it

All will see what God has done and will give HIM the GLORY

It is ALL His work – we will give Him





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