A PS on that story….
I wrote a post yesterday on the website about a positive experience I had with the customer service department at the Discover company and what I learned about dealing with my own interactions with customers as well as people in general.
Link is here
But today I want to add a PS to that and I am sharing with you all the thoughts that went through my mind after I posted.
Because I refer to myself as a “customer” of the Discover Card company and yet they really do not make any money off of us.
We pay our balance every month so they never get a dime of interest and there is no annual fee.
They even give me cash back on purchases made.
You see, the real paying customer is the businesses from whom I buy.
They pay the fees for the convenience of me using the card.
And yes, businesses may cover the cost by tagging a little more on to the price of an item, but for the most part I am one of those “sale shoppers” who rarely pays full price anyway.
I live on grace and mercy.
I was treated very well by a customer service department for a company who has done everything for me and I have done nothing in return but avail myself of their services.
Kind of sounds like Jesus doesn’t it?
No…the Discover Card is not my savior…but I get treated well and am called a child of God, with all the rights and privileges of an heir, and have done really nothing to earn that status.
He paid it all and I just live in the fullness of life He gained for me.
I am treated like royalty. A daughter of the King.
The great exchange.
My debt paid by Him.
Accepted because of His rejection.
Abundant life purchased by His death and resurrection.
A sinner saved by grace.
What a wonderful Discover-y.
Be blessed today child of God and extend grace as it has been given to you <3