Journey Updates
Investing in the future…
Last night I pulled a bag of corn out of the freezer to heat and add to our dinner plates. It was delicious. It wasn’t your generic grocery store corn. Oh, no. This was the fruit of the combined effort of a local farmer and my own labor. My friend Lisa and I have shared…
Sermon notes…on the fly
I didn’t get to post yesterday. It was yet another morning with too many tasks and not enough a time. I did promise to share my sermon notes from Sunday and I typed them all out last night so I could post quickly this morning. Somehow when I went to backspace for an edit, I…
How it started and how it is going….
Last year, as I roller-coastered through January like someone doing one of those forward trips where the body keeps going as the feet try to regain balance, I turned to the last page of December on the calendar and wrote, “Remember that January is whack.” I was grateful for this warning to my future self…
Thursday…randoms…it’s been a week <3
It has been a full week since I have posted and part of the reason is we have been on the go and part of the reason is that I have been processing a difficult event that happened in our community and to post seemed almost frivolous and callous. So it is with a deep…
Happy belated New Year and December book review
Happy New Year! Since I have a strong motivation to make and keep some goals this year, I am posting on this holiday that is probably one of my favorites. Ironically – I wrote this post on New Years Day and was pretty pumped to share it when I realized it was 12:05 PM and my…